• Plugin Author ed4becky


    If you have tried rootsPersona, please leave me some feedback. I am working on some additional tools and your feedback helps.

    Also, on the plugin page if you could indicate which version of WP you are using and whether the plugin works on that version, that would help as well.

    I think I need 5 works! to go green.

    If you are unsuccessful at installing, leave me feedback as well, and I will try to assist. After activation the wp-content/rootsPersonaData directory should have been created, and the files in plugins/rootspersona/rootsData should have been copied to it


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  • BobGarde


    Well i’m not sure exactly, I have an other Gedcom “dummy” that work perfectly, but because I’m on Win 7 X64, it’s maybe that. I will try something else…

    Plugin Author ed4becky


    No, I’m on Win 7 x64 too, so its not a straight compatibility issue, though could still be directory permissions, if the plugin didn’t have permission to create the rootspersonadata directory under wp-content, or if it wasn’t writable afterwards



    Mmm, the strange thing is that actually, if I want to see the rootspersnadata folder I have to manually desactivate/activate the plugin… Is that a normal behavior ?


    Plugin Author ed4becky


    Absolutely not. It does sound like some sort of windows permissions issue

    Plugin Author ed4becky


    Bob, I added a permissions check to the options and upload page, so if there is a missing directory, or a permissions error, it SHOULD flag it in red



    I’ve exported my gedcom from Reunion (8) for mac, and applied privacy settings, but all the info on living persons is visible once the gedcom is imported. I don’t know if this is an issue with Reunion 8 or rootsPersona?

    Plugin Author ed4becky


    Didn’t see this.

    You can ‘hide’ living persons by setting the exclude flag on each page.

    I’m looking for a way to determine ‘living’; But if you exclude them from being exported, thats safest.

    A great option would be to set attributes to the [rootsPersona/] shortcodes :
    – Hide all dates
    – Hide dates if “living”
    – Show all dates
    In the meanwhile, I agree that excluding dates or persons when exporting GedCom is the safest…

    Plugin Author ed4becky


    There is an options page on the admin screen which allows hiding of dates and places.

    I am revamping the privacy support in version 2.0. Taking a little time cause its a major rewrite (the upgrade will take care of translating the old files) but it will allow me to respond to request like this quicker. I’ll keep you posted.

    You are doing a great job, thanks again !
    My suggestion was to pass attributes on single pages, in order to fine tune the details according to users rights (which is a more detailed granulometry than the general settings).
    For instance :
    – show few details (no dates) to the registered visitors,
    – all dates except “living” for family members,
    – all dates to those who paid membership fees.
    I am very much interested in collaboarting to v2.0, as a final user and torture tester (I am not able to help for code development).
    For personal contact, see my email in my comment to “FAQ” on your website.

    Another couple of suggestions for the 2.0 version :
    – When upgrading WP it is recommended do disable all plugnins. This causes when re-activating RootsPersona the creation of new private files (Edit, add, upload, include, …) while the page Id stored in the general settings remains unchanged. It is then necessary to reset au page IdS by hand. If theeses pages already exist, it would be nice that they are not new created and used again.
    – In the PersonaIndexPage, a search box according to fist- and/or last name would be great ! Pagination would be also appreciable, when dealing with very large number of persons. The possibility to sort according to first letter ((A, B, ….) would be very usefull too.
    Hope I don’t ask too much ?

    I think one new suggestion I would love is to have all the family tree pages in their own “place” rather then in with the normal place for pages. There is a plugin called “Genealogy” that puts all of the pages created into a section called “Family Members” instead of with “Pages” and it makes it so much easier to work on the family pages.

    Plugin Author ed4becky


    @manu-pb: I’m struggling with the whole disable thing; theoretically when the plugin is deactivated I SHOULD delete the database, but then you lose all your data when you reactivate. If I don’t delete, how does it get cleaned up for folks who don’t want the plugin anymore?

    The sorting request is reasonable, and will be more easy to implement in 2.0

    @tnmom – I’ll have to look into that; not sure how they get them out of ‘Pages’. Of course some folks will be confused by that ;->

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