• Plugin Author ed4becky


    If you have tried rootsPersona, please leave me some feedback. I am working on some additional tools and your feedback helps.

    Also, on the plugin page if you could indicate which version of WP you are using and whether the plugin works on that version, that would help as well.

    I think I need 5 works! to go green.

    If you are unsuccessful at installing, leave me feedback as well, and I will try to assist. After activation the wp-content/rootsPersonaData directory should have been created, and the files in plugins/rootspersona/rootsData should have been copied to it


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  • Plugin Author ed4becky


    Yeah, I have a way to privitize (not display) individuals by adding excludeLiving=true to their idMap entry, but haven’t created a page to input that from yet.

    You can also add a custom field ‘permissions’ to any page to indicate that a user must be logged in to see that page.

    But what you are suggesting makes sense as well.

    I am also adding checkboxes so you can decide globally which panels to include on the page, and additional shortcodes so that if you want to display a single panel, say in a post, you can do that.



    Can’t wait!


    Did an automatic upgrade tonight to 1.2

    Using WP 3.0.4

    Found it interesting that while the upgrade made new upload/edit/add persons pages, it did not change the settings on the settings page. Made for confusion. ??

    At this point, with the upgrade I have nothing. Well, it looks like nothing. The plug-in said the upload of a gedcom was successful, but I have a “Miss-ing required per-son ID.” error on my edit person page.

    Also, I’ll volunteer to double check your instructions for usage.
    Need to tell people point blank to navigate to the add person/edit person pages if that is what is missing. I am not sure. I’d uploaded and installed the first version only a week ago, and had not played with it that much. But, something seems to be missing, for I have no new pages with people information on it to show to others.

    Thanks, Peggy

    Plugin Author ed4becky


    The Edit person page is only meant to be accessed from the link at the bottom of a person page. If you are going directly to the edit person page, the error is correct.

    More troubling is the ‘lost’ pages.

    Did you upgrade from a version prior to 1.0.4? If so you needed to save the rootsData directory and copy its contents into the new rootsPersonaData directory.

    Do you have a wp-content/roosPersonaData directory? f not, check permissions on wp-content – needs to be writeable. If so, does it have any files in it?

    One thing to try is to deactivate/reactivate the plugin. This addresses a problem with older versions that has now been fixed (and won’t happen again after 1.2.0)

    >>Need to tell people point blank to navigate to the add person/edit person pages if that is what is missing.

    Not sure what you mean here. Th edit person is as explained above. The add person is automatically rendered once the upload is compelete (although there is nothing wrong with navigating there directly). You are welcome to expose that page as a menu item if you like, but it will probably be used infrequently (other than after an upgrade.

    The usage notes ARE do for an upgrade. If you can send em a list of what you feel needs to be clarified – submissions welcome.

    After 1.2.0, upgrading should be a LOT cleaner.



    Ed, just as an FYI, I found an option in FTM to temporarily privatize the entire file. That means that I can export to GEDCOM without sensitive data being present. That means that my problem is solved, and that means that my site will be online soon! ??

    Thanks again for this plugin, it’s making my new site possible…

    Plugin Author ed4becky


    >>You might also consider adding two global options: “ignore dates” and “ignore places”. <<

    Included in version 1.3.0

    Everything works and looks great, thanks so much for all your work.



    Ed, Are you still planning to add a panel for the children of the person to whom the personapage refers (see Maurits comment about 1 week ago)? If so when do you think it might be available. Regards, Chris

    Plugin Author ed4becky


    LOL, I guess that will be the next enhancement.

    Plugin Author ed4becky


    Chris, check out version 1.4.

    I added a Family Group page for each marriage, with children

    Can hide/show any panel based on options page.

    Also added Delete/Exclude/Make Private/Make Public to persona pages.

    Delete is just that. The the person will be added back after new upload, but no page will be created unless you select them on Add person

    Exclude Person will not display the person even though a page may already exist. The exclude persists across uploads.

    Private/Public means you Do/Don’t have to be logged in to see the page.



    Fantastic!!! thanks for all your good work!!

    Regards, Chris



    I’m a bit confused about updating.

    I download and update the plugin through wordpress. Do I then need to reupload my gedcom file?

    Also, I have 3 different “edit person” pages, 3 different “add person” pages, etc. What do I do with all these pages, manually delete them?

    Plugin Author ed4becky


    You shouldn’t have to do anything anymore after an upgrade. It is applied automatically first time you hit the admin page. You don’t need to reupload your gedcom. (It doesn’t hurt, but you shouldn’t have to)

    If you look at the options page, you will see which add/edit/upload/etc.. pages the plugin thinks are real. Its safe to delete the rest.

    I suspect the errant pages are left over from when we were trying to get things working for you earlier.



    Hi Ed !

    Well I’m very interested in you plugin (just what I was looking for) but I get strange error message when I want to upload my gedcom file :

    Warning: DOMDocument::load() [domdocument.load]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity “file:///C:/wamp/www/wordpress/wp-content/rootsPersonaData/idMap.xml” in C:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\rootspersona\php\personUtility.php on line 276

    Warning: rename(wp-content/plugins/rootspersona/stage/100i.xml,wp-content/rootsPersonaData/100i.xml) [function.rename]: Le chemin d?acc?s sp?cifi? est introuvable. (code: 3) in C:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\rootspersona\php\personUtility.php on line 472

    Warning: rename(wp-content/plugins/rootspersona/stage/11783i.xml,wp-content/rootsPersonaData/11783i.xml) [function.rename]: Le chemin d?acc?s sp?cifi? est introuvable. (code: 3) in C:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\rootspersona\php\personUtility.php on line 472

    etc etc

    May I did something wrong ?

    Thank you


    Plugin Author ed4becky


    Can you make sure wp-content/rootsPersonaData is writable?

    Is this on a windows or unix box?

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