• https://yourfishfinder.mystagingwebsite.com/

    OK so my website is to bring buyers and sellers together more easily and manageable. My goal is to allow fish shops and other sellers to register on my website and basically keep their stock up to date to exactly what they have for sale, what price and what size. Therefore, if a customer is looking for a fish they can navigate to that fish then see which shops are selling it and for what prices.

    If you follow below, this is how I would like it to look:

    I havent set up all the links or anything yet
    but if you scroll down and click “Use Fish Finder”

    then “Search for Marine Livestock”

    then “Marine Fish”

    then “Dragonets”

    Then from here list many dragonet fish and have some sort of set up so you can see how many shops have them in stock. Then once you click that fish I want the customer to be able to center their post code and how many miles out they are willing to travel then be presented with a list such as:

    1.3 Miles Away – Antonio’s Fish Shop – 5 Inch – £26
    1.9 Miles Away – Daniel’s Fish Shop – 4 Inch – £16
    2.4 Miles Away – Robert’s Fish Shop – 5 Inch – £46

    And for all this to be generated based around the shop owners stock ect.

    Is this something that can be done?

    Thank you so much for your help.

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  • Can it be done? Yes, it can be.

    It will be a lot of custom work to do though. I don’t think that you’ll find everything that you need out-of-the-box, but it’s worth doing a few searches to see what’s available and what can work for your situation.

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