• I have searched everywhere. I would just like to add a Welcome message to a restricted content page with Welcome [First Name] but can’t find what shortcode to use that works. Please help

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  • Plugin Support yuriinalivaiko


    Hello @designdna

    Are you going to add this into the “Custom restricted access message” setting to the restricted page? See this example: https://prnt.sc/MCsUTKORmmDb

    You can use a code snippet to apply UM placeholders (basically designed for emails) to this message. Add this code to the functions.php file in the theme.

    /* Apply common placeholders to the Custom restricted access message */
    add_filter( 'um_restricted_post_content', function( $content, $id, $original_post_content ) {
    return um_convert_tags( $content, array(), false );
    }, 10, 3 );

    Once the code is added you can use {first_name} and other placeholders in this message.


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