• Resolved David


    Im having this issue and I dont know why?

    Can anyone suggest where to start looking.

    I found one jquery issue

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘top’ of undefined

    in this folder /js/functions.js?ver=20150315 line 106

    this is the code from that section

    		 * Fixed header for large screen.
    		 * If the header becomes more than 48px tall, unfix the header.
    		 * The callback on the scroll event is only added if there is a header
    		 * image and we are not on mobile.
    		if ( _window.width() > 781 ) {
    			var mastheadHeight = $( '#masthead' ).height(),
    				toolbarOffset, mastheadOffset;
    			if ( mastheadHeight > 48 ) {
    				body.removeClass( 'masthead-fixed' );
    			if ( body.is( '.header-image' ) ) {
    				toolbarOffset  = body.is( '.admin-bar' ) ? $( '#wpadminbar' ).height() : 0;
    				mastheadOffset = $( '#masthead' ).offset().top - toolbarOffset;
    				_window.on( 'scroll.twentyfourteen', function() {
    					if ( _window.scrollTop() > mastheadOffset && mastheadHeight < 49 ) {
    						body.addClass( 'masthead-fixed' );
    					} else {
    						body.removeClass( 'masthead-fixed' );
    				} );

    Im grateful for any help any one can offer


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  • mother.of.code


    The Mother of Code

    Hey David,

    That looks like a theme issue. Can you please switch back to the Twenty Sixteen theme to see if that resolves things? If yes, please contact the developer of your theme for more help. Otherwise, report back here with the link to your site. Happy to take a look!

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