that sounds good, also the migration of the upload media field.
in while im done with the json output which seems to should import on the new versions (tested on a simple page)
function old_jcf_settings($output_json = true){
$post_types = get_post_types();
$post_types_objects = get_post_types(null, null, 'objects');
$jcf_fieldsets = 'jcf_fieldsets-';
$jcf_fields = 'jcf_fields-';
$jcf_settings = [];
$new_jcf_settings = [];
foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) {
$post_fieldsets = get_option($jcf_fieldsets . $post_type);
$post_fields = get_option($jcf_fields . $post_type);
if ( $post_fieldsets || $post_fields ) {
$jcf_settings[$post_type] = [];
if ( $post_fieldsets ) {
$jcf_settings[$post_type]['fieldsets'] = $post_fieldsets;
$new_jcf_settings['fieldsets'][$post_type] = array_merge(
array('position' => null,'priority' => null),
foreach ( $post_fieldsets as $post_fieldset_id => $post_fieldset ) {
$post_fieldset_fields = $post_fieldset['fields'];
foreach ( $post_fieldset_fields as $post_fieldset_field => $enabled ) {
$jcf_settings[$post_type]['fieldsets'][$post_fieldset_id]['fields'][$post_fieldset_field] = array_merge(
array('enabled' => $enabled)
if ( $post_fields ) {
$new_jcf_settings['fields'] = [];
$new_jcf_settings['fields'][$post_type] = $post_fields;
$new_jcf_settings['post_types'][$post_type] = $post_types_objects[$post_type];
if ( $output_json ) {
echo '<!-- old_jcf_settings: ', "\r\n";
echo json_encode($jcf_settings), "\r\n";
echo ' -->', "\r\n";
echo '<!-- new_jcf_settings: ', "\r\n";
echo json_encode($new_jcf_settings), "\r\n";
echo ' -->', "\r\n";
} else {
echo '<!-- old_jcf_settings: ', "\r\n";
echo var_dump($jcf_settings), "\r\n";
echo ' -->', "\r\n";
echo '<!-- new_jcf_settings: ', "\r\n";
echo var_dump($new_jcf_settings), "\r\n";
echo ' -->';
just copy the “new_jcf_settings” output line in a json file and import.