• Hi there,

    Thank you for developing and maintaining this plugin. We’ve installed it on a few client sites and it works okay. The output on the big calendar is nice, really well done. I do have some questions and remarks though about some decisions made during development of this plugin. Here goes.

    1) Why is the wp-calendar data not available in $post? Why can’t I query the categories added to the calendar in a normal wp_query and find calendar data?

    2) Because of this, you can’t make an archive by month, you can’t add a featured image/post thumbnail on a calendar item, no permalinks are generated for Single calendar pages and all other core WordPress stuff one might expect.

    3) On a normal WP post, on the ‘add new’ screen the cursor automatically jumps to the title input whenever you add a new item, this doesn’t work on your custom ‘add new’ screen. Why re-invent the wheel when you can fully manipulate how such screens look by using functions available in core?

    4) Also when you hit Tab, the cursor doesn’t jump to the Location input, which is not logical as well.

    5) What happened with a recent update, causing all table headers to be empty on the full calendar? I’m talking about this header. By using this code that is copied from your documentation and used to work on previous versions, I now get an empty calendar table header:

    {events_calendar; categories="3,5"; height=600; header->left="prev"; header->center="today, title"; header->right="next"; weekends=false}

    but when I strip all code, the header loads fine but within a different order than I like:

    {events_calendar; categories="2";}

    I like to have the order as ‘arrow back’ – ‘current month’ – ‘arrow forward’ just like it was before, but I can’t for the life of me understand what happened or how I can change the output of this header.

    The most important question here is why you choose not to make calendar data available through Core WordPress functionality. It would be so much easier if you did that, because that would mean we as developers can take your calendar data and make our own widgets, loops etc etc without having to use the very limited queries provided in this plugin.


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