You can add your own class attribute with the Image Format
, and Title Format
unit options.
For example, to add your-link
, change the default value of
<h5 class="amazon-product-title">
<a href="%href%" title="%title_text%: %description_text%" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">%title_text%</a>
<h5 class="amazon-product-title">
<a class="your-link" href="%href%" title="%title_text%: %description_text%" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">%title_text%</a>
Or you can even customize the style withoutit as the parent element has one.
.amazon-product-title > a {
/* add your CSS rules here */
To apply rules to all the <i>a</i> tags, each plugin template has a different class attribute for the container so you need to find it by inspecting elements using developer tools (DevTools if you use Chrome) of your browser. For the List
template, the container class attribute is amazon-products-container-list
. So you can do something like
.amazon-products-container-list a {
/* add your CSS rules here */
Hope it helps.