• rcpkrc


    l am using wordpress and thanksfull for coders, l just want a better community support forum system, vBulletin, PhpBB, InvisionPP, Anything Else, PLeaseeeee a Better Forum System integration.

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  • vkaryl


    Never happen…. this one’s matt’s baby.

    [Oh, and how about NOT shouting your title, hmmm?]



    How about telling us (well, Matt & Co.) what you think is missing from the forums here that’s critical to support?

    OR, did you mean integration of a forum with WP itself? If so, there’s dozens of threads on that subject, including phpbb and vanilla…





    Hmmm. Now see, my interpretation of the initial post was that the poster intensely disliked bbPress (which is of course what runs this forum), and was wishing for one of the bloated, insecure, “mainstream” varieties instead….

    bloated, insecure, “mainstream”




    ? Meaning?

    Other forums are spammy. bbPress (read: this forum) is almost impervious. Even “locked down” forums elsewhere that I’m a member of sometimes get a rogue poster in. This one, as far as I can tell, has never had one instance of it.



    Ah! I was out in left field, apparently!

    As to rogue posters, yeah, we’ve had the occasional one in the last 2.5 years, but they don’t get far fast, and they certainly don’t do the “flood and kill” operations phpBB is subject to.

    :o) After re-reading my former post, I can understand how you might misinterpret it. Sorry!



    *laughing* NP….



    I’m not sure if I am talking about the same thing as the OP,
    but I find the Search facility in the Support Forum
    almost completely useless.
    What exactly does it search for?
    Is it just tags that people have given to their post?

    £g I was looking for advice on the latexrender plugin,
    and searched for LaTeX, Latex and latex but found nothing.

    *snicker* Yeah, don’t pull the scab off that old wound. Just Google site:www.remarpro.com latex or whatever.



    It may be an old scab – I’m a newbie.
    Perhaps you can tell me the explanation
    for this unbelievably bad search facility?

    I don’t know if I am unusual,
    but when an application (WordPress in this case)
    has a bad feature like this,
    it reflects on the application itself.



    Ah…. well, if search was choosing to work normally, you’d be able to find that there’s almost no one who uses this forum who thinks the search function is good. In fact, probably only matt (and any sycophantic followers he may have at any given time) thinks the search function is good.

    Gee, is it still crap yahoo? Or is it a dumbed down version of google right now? Or neither? *shrug* No clue. You could try posting to the hackers list (though a search of the archives there might be a good idea first…. – and it runs on mailman so I believe the search works acceptably) which you can find info about here:


    Gee, is it still crap yahoo? Or is it a dumbed down version of google right now? Or neither?

    It’s a text field with no action. ;o) Actually, that would probably be more helpful, as it would just be confusing. Sure beats frustration.

    Oh, and gayleard, the search function here isn’t the one used in the WordPress software. WordPress uses MySQL’s search ability. It doesn’t fully use that ability—there are plugins to enhance the built-in search engine—but it’s totally different than this site’s search function.

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