Player Statistics – Team Requirement?
I’ve setup SportsPress to manage a Dart league. Each season we have eight single player games and eight randomly selected team games (2 players per team). I create Player-vs-Player Matches for both the single player and team matches. For team matches I select all four players.
I’ve worked out using additional Outcomes and equations in the Configure->Table Columns (for League Table) area to score the matches with points for attendance on a given night, winning bracket level matches within a game, points for winning the game brackets entirely, etc. And the Standings works great.
But from this setup I have a few quirks that I’ve not been able to work out, and will ask separate questions as per the advice I’ve seen trying to find prior questions in this forum.
I’d like for players to view their Player page and see their statistics from each season that are used in the Standings (nights attended, games played, wins, etc.). But in the Player Page, the Player Statistics table is empty. Looking at Configure->Player Statistics, Settings->Players, player-statistics.php, player-statistics-league.php, etc. and playing around with adding players to teams and using Team-vs-Team Matches, it seems that the statistics for a player will only show if a player is added to a team for a season, and needs to also have a Team selected in the Statistics area of a Player configuration.
Is this true? Will this section only include statistics for matches, where a players is added to a team and the team selected in the Player configuration?
I cannot use Teams since the pairings change each match, so points accrual needs to be on a player basis, requiring Player-vs-Player Matches. And adding duplicate Team-vs-Team Matches with unique Teams for each player combination, not shown in the Player-vs-Player League Table, as a solution then makes the Events list below the Player Statistics area in the Player Page show duplicate matches.
So is there a mechanism to show the Player Statistics section, grouped by season, for all matches, regardless of the type, in that section? Or would that only be possible by customizing the Player Class and player-statistics.php, player-statistics-league.php files?
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