• Resolved anakha


    I’ve setup SportsPress to manage a Dart league. Each season we have eight single player games and eight randomly selected team games (2 players per team). I create Player-vs-Player Matches for both the single player and team matches. For team matches I select all four players.

    I’ve worked out using additional Outcomes and equations in the Configure->Table Columns (for League Table) area to score the matches with points for attendance on a given night, winning bracket level matches within a game, points for winning the game brackets entirely, etc. And the Standings works great.

    But from this setup I have a few quirks that I’ve not been able to work out, and will ask separate questions as per the advice I’ve seen trying to find prior questions in this forum.

    I’d like for players to view their Player page and see their statistics from each season that are used in the Standings (nights attended, games played, wins, etc.). But in the Player Page, the Player Statistics table is empty. Looking at Configure->Player Statistics, Settings->Players, player-statistics.php, player-statistics-league.php, etc. and playing around with adding players to teams and using Team-vs-Team Matches, it seems that the statistics for a player will only show if a player is added to a team for a season, and needs to also have a Team selected in the Statistics area of a Player configuration.

    Is this true? Will this section only include statistics for matches, where a players is added to a team and the team selected in the Player configuration?

    I cannot use Teams since the pairings change each match, so points accrual needs to be on a player basis, requiring Player-vs-Player Matches. And adding duplicate Team-vs-Team Matches with unique Teams for each player combination, not shown in the Player-vs-Player League Table, as a solution then makes the Events list below the Player Statistics area in the Player Page show duplicate matches.

    So is there a mechanism to show the Player Statistics section, grouped by season, for all matches, regardless of the type, in that section? Or would that only be possible by customizing the Player Class and player-statistics.php, player-statistics-league.php files?


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  • Plugin Contributor Savvas


    Hi there @anakha ,

    Did you try to create a dummy team in which you will include all your players and use that to enable stats?

    Thanks, Savvas

    Thread Starter anakha



    Thanks for the reply and idea. So I did try that, yes, but it doesn’t resolve the issue. While the Player Statistics will now show a season row, there wasn’t any stats (every column shows 0). Here’s how I tested:

    I created a new Season called Season 3 and a League Table for the season. Then I created a Team called Stats Team. Then I updated four players (we’ll call them A, B, C, and D) to add them to Stats Team and select Season 3, making sure to select Stats Team from the dropdown for the season after the initial change. Then I created three Matches, A vs. B, C vs. D, and then A vs. C (representing A and C winning their first round match), selecting the respective players and Season 3 as the season.

    The League Table updated to show the scoring for the three matches. And the matches were shown in the Event List in the Player Page. But the Player Statistics area did not count any of the matches played, wins, etc. It showed 0 for all, but it did show Season 3 as a row, which was an improvement. I presumed it’s because the matches were configured as Player-vs-Player, and not Team-vs-Team.

    So I then tried creating Team-vs-Team matches to replace the Player-vs-Player matches. When I created the Match I selected Stats Team for both teams and selected the unique player for each Team participant (A for the first Team participant , B under the second Team participant). But since the same Team was selected for both participants, the Results area only showed a single row, for Stats Team, not allowing me to select winning and losing participants. So using a single team and selecting it for both match participants won’t allow for creating matches with results.

    Or is there another way to configure it that I missed? Thanks.

    Plugin Contributor Savvas


    Hi there @anakha ,

    Is it possible to share also some screenshots showing the above configuration?


    Thread Starter anakha


    @savvasha, Sure. Attached will be the Season, the list of Players (the top 4 with Season 3 enabled that are added to the Stats Team are them), a Player configuration showing inclusion on the Stats Team, the list of Player-vs-Player Matches and their Results (they also use the default Win and Loss options, plus custom Attendance and Champion Outcomes), a Player-vs-Player Match, the League Table showing the correct standings, a Player Page showing the empty stats, the Teams list, and finally the Team-vs-Team Match attempt which only allows for a single Results option.

    Let me know if these show all the points needed. And thanks!

    Plugin Contributor Savvas


    Something is misconfigured to your Stats Equations. As you can see below, on my test environment, everything is working as it should by default.


    Thread Starter anakha


    @savvasha, thanks. I can attach screenshots of the equations, but after playing around more I’m not sure that’s where the issue is (or is entirely). I can now see the stats in a Season in the Player Page, just not for the Season where I’m trying to use the single Team with all the players.

    I previously tried having each Player on their own Team, but then for team matches, where players are paired randomly, I had to create a unique Team for each each pairing. So I had a Player A Team, a Player A / Player C Team, and so on. But that didn’t seem to be a workable approach since I need standings to be solely Player based. I was testing this with Season 4. And now by assigning a Team for the Player for Season 4. looking at the Player Page, in the Player Statistics are stats for Season 4! Here’s the Team-vs-Team Match from Season 4 with the Player selected, and the Player Page showing the stats from that Match in Season 4, but still not for Season 3.

    What I do see different, besides the Match type and selecting teams vs players, is that there’s a Box Score result in the Season 4 Match. In the Player-vs-Player Match in Season 3 where I try to use the Stats Team, Box Score is empty:

    Does the Box Score difference mean anything? If not, since Player Statistics are tallying for a Season when using Team-vs-Team Matches but not for another Season when using Player-vs-Player Matches, but in your instance it does, where else could a configuration be different?

    Thanks again.

    Plugin Contributor Savvas


    Hi there @anakha ,

    On the event you are having a box-score, the event mode is set to team vs team, instead of player vs player.


    Thread Starter anakha


    @savvasha, thanks. Yes, I presumed that. So it still means using a “team with everyone” that Player Statistics?are tallying for a?Season?when using?Team-vs-Team Matches?but not for another?Season?when using?Player-vs-Player Matches, but in your instance it does.

    To your earlier suggestion that misconfigured statistics might be the issue, I’m attaching screenshots showing how they are configured. But if they were misconfigured, how come they tally properly for Team-vs-Team Matches in another Season? Is there a configuration to control what match types are included in calculations? Is some other League Table or Player List, or anything, needed to be created for those statistics to be calculated? Or something about the configuration of the Team?

    Thanks again.

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