Hey, thanks for responding. I completely understand wanting to keep it simple. It always seems like one things leads to another leads to another…
It seems like the most confusing thing for “normal everyday” users is figuring out the WP admin. Those of us who live in WP don’t have a problem with it really, but people who don’t always seem a bit confused by all the stuff there.
WP User Frontend looks pretty nice, but it has a lot more stuff than I need. I don’t need the custom registration forms, the payment processing, the subscription stuff, the drag and drop interface, or all the custom redirect stuff.
Your plugin is nice but doesn’t have a couple things I’m always needing. I’d love to see something kind of in the middle of the two, but really closer to what you have.
What I almost always need is support on the front end for custom post types and custom taxonomies. And I hate to say it, but custom fields would really be nice too.
But that’s all.
Custom post types, taxonomies, and fields would make this plugin really rule and work under just about any scenario. Hooks and filters could be added so that any other advanced functionality could be done by developers or done via add-ons, keeping the core functionality simple, strong, and all the features related to front end editing.
I don’t know what you think about this, but if you’re interested I’d be glad to help if I can.