Planning to Restart my WordPress site, will it effect Google index?
What do you mean by “restart”?
What exactly do you intend to do?
Change colors or fontsize?
Delete all pages and publish new ones?
Change domain name?
]]>I meant to delete all the pages, WordPress and plugins, and publish a new page and everything. so delete all the files from Hostgator and make a new one. Thanks
]]>Thanks for the clarification.
Let’s have an analogy:
Say you open a new hotel. The rating authority comes for inspection and give your hotel a 4-star rating.
Now after a while you decide to pull down the hotel building and build a now hotel from scratch but on the same plot.
Now, let’s ask your question again with this contest:
Will it affect your current 4-star rating?
You bet it will ??
Now, it’s possible that, after the re-building, you may get the same, lower or higher rating.
But during the period of re-construction, after receiving complaint after plaint, the tourism office office and guidebooks are definitely going to mark your hotel as CLOSED and strip you of your 4-star rating.
]]>Planning to Restart my WordPress site, will it effect Google index?
]]>Planning to Restart my WordPress site, will it effect Google index?
Deleting all pages of a website and starting over will not affect Google indexing?
Now I’ve seen and heard it all!
when you quote me, using the code formatting looks weird.
This isn’t a WordPress topic. It’s “If I get rid of everything on my site and start over again” how is that a topic for here?
*Drinks more coffee*
It’s not. It really isn’t. If anything it’s a search engine topic and that’s not what these forums are for.