Plain text only
Hi! First, uber thanks for this awesome plugin, hands-down the best in the market.
I have a little suggestion/request. By allowing vendors to input all sorts of rich-text & HTML into their store description and product descriptions, some end up building all sorts of weird designs to distinguish themselves which cause an inconsistent experience for users browsing the marketplace, especially users browsing from mobile devices.
Thus I’d like to suggest/request that rich-text & HTML can be disabled by admins for store pages, product short and long descriptions, etc. so that only plain-text can be used.
Plain text allows to simulate titles, subtitles and lists, which is all that most vendors really need (at least in some marketplaces). It’s also 100% mobile-friendly, and leads vendors to focus on content rather than style.
Hope this makes as much sense to you as it does to me. Once again thanks for your awesome work!
PS: I’m not sure if this request belongs here or at the WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace support forum. I’m using both plugins and I’m not sure what aspects of the experience belong here and what aspects belong to the other plugin.
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