• First, thanks for the tremendous support and care you give to this WPPA. Many large companies could learn from the level of customer support you provide!

    Now, I thought this would be easy with CSS, but it’s not working out as expected. I want the title of each thumbnail to show up inside the thumbnail rather than below it. This would appear as white text on a semi-transparent black bar across the bottom portion of the photo, and the bar would always be the same width as each photo.

    I am quite comfortable with how to do this with CSS, but am hitting an unexpected challenge because the text is not nested inside the thumbnail’s div. The width of wppa-thumb-text’s semi-transparent backgrund must match the width of each photo, or else it will be either too wide for some photos and too narrow for others. However, without the nesting it does not know whether the photo is landscape or vertical.

    For example, let’s say some photos are 200 px wide x 150 px hight, while others are 150 px wide x 200 px high. The text background would need to be the same width for each, which would be easy if they were inside a div whose width changed with each photo. Since they are separate elements though, the title area remains constant for each photo, rather than changing with it.

    I’m not sure I explained this clearly, but is there a way to vary the width of wppa-thumb-text so that it stays consistent with each photo as it changes?

    Thanks once again.


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  • Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    It was my choice to let the thumbnail-frame be the size providing element.
    This avoids the fact that the texts would be narrowed (too much) for portrait images.

    It is possible in js, but very complex.
    A rough design:

    • Use jQuery to find all dom elements of class .thumbnail-frame
    • for each dom element found:
    • search for child element a -> img
    • find its width
    • use it to set the width of all .wppa-thummb-text elements that are child nodes of the current .thumbnail-frame element
    Thread Starter Kipley


    Thanks for your taking the time to outline the approach. This sounds doable. I will follow up and will let you know how it goes.

    Very much appreciated!

    Thread Starter Kipley


    Hi Opa:

    Thanks again for your great support. It took a while, but I think I’m almost there. I’ve got the individual pieces working, but am still trying to bring them all together.

    There seems to two instances of .wppa-thummb-text for each photo. Once contains the photo title, as expected, but the other seems to sit empty, overlapping the one that contains the title. The problem is that when I change the background color, the one in front then blocks the text.

    Could you explain to me what is happening there? Is that normal?

    Thanks again, Opa…


    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Actually there can be 3, depending of the settings in TableII-C1,2 and 3.
    They do not overlap, you can see that in the browsers source like:

    <div id="thumbnail_frame_2029_1" class="thumbnail-frame thumbnail-frame-1" style="width: 100px; height: 150px; margin-left: 6px; margin-top: 3px; margin-bottom: 3px;" >
    	<a style="position:static;" class="thumb-img" id="x-2029-1">
    		<img onclick="wppaDoAjaxRender(1, 'https://wppa.opajaap.nl/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wppa&wppa-action=render&wppa-size=450&wppa-moccur=1&wppa-fromp=4&locale=en_US&wppa-album=1&wppa-slide&wppa-occur=1&wppa-photo=2029', 'https://wppa.opajaap.nl/photo-album-test-post/wppaspec/lcen_US/ab1/sd/oc1/pt2029')" id="i-2029-1" src="https://wppa.opajaap.nl/wp-content/uploads/wppa/thumbs/2029.jpg"  alt="HPIM2380"  title="HPIM2380.JPG" width="100" height="75" style=" border-width: 0px; width:100px; height:75px; margin-top: 13px; opacity:0.75; filter:alpha(opacity=75); cursor:pointer;"  onmouseout="jQuery(this).fadeTo(400, 0.75)" onmouseover="jQuery(this).fadeTo(400, 1.0);wppaPopUp(1, this, 2029, 'HPIM2380.JPG', '', 'Rating: 4.33', '1 Comment');"  />
    	<div class="wppa-thumb-text" style="font-size:10px; line-height:12px; font-weight:normal; " >HPIM2380.JPG</div>
    	<div class="wppa-thumb-text" style="font-size:10px; line-height:12px; font-weight:normal; " ></div>
    	<div class="wppa-thumb-text" style="font-size:10px; line-height:12px; font-weight:normal; " >Rating: 4.33</div>
    </div><!-- #thumbnail_frame_2029_1 -->

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