• Resolved billseymour


    Mike- First – thanks for the efforts made resulting in this update. Much appreciated.

    My Q: I see that Placeholder text seems to have reduced transparency (at first I thought it was a gray, but when I changed color to red, the red was also reduced transparency).

    I would like to have styling control over how Placeholder text is handled, but I could not (via Firebug) identify where the Transparency styling was being made.

    Could you please either point me to where I might restore full transparency to Placeholder text, or possibly I might suggest that you include a Style option in ‘Style’ tab of the plugin for Placeholder text. Thanks.


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  • Thanks for the suggestion. I will consider it for future updates.

    Unfortunately, since browsers handle this in non standard ways, there is no one simple style setting, there is a different one for each browser type.
    View the HTML source and you will see the style.

    Thread Starter billseymour



    I did a little digging, and here is the answer:

    ref to comment answer: https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/style-placeholder-text/#comment-267934 – the commenter, Thibaut, says:

    Firefox 19 lowers the opacity of the placeholder to 0.54 by default.
    To get the correct color you need to reset it:
    ::-moz-placeholder { opacity: 1; color: red; }

    I am using Firefox, and with this Opacity:1 style I get fully transparent color. Hopefully this will be of help if anyone else runs into the same situation. –Bill

    Can you send me a link to your form so I can see exactly how you changed the style?


    Thread Starter billseymour


    @Mike- Sure, happy to do so.

    I did ‘belt and suspenders’ in my Css, setting opacity:1 for all the vendor prefixes (probably unnecessary), and using the single-colon for pre-FF19. I also found it useful to put the color in this area, too:

    ::-webkit-input-placeholder { opacity: 1; color: #333333; } /* gray80 */
    :-moz-placeholder           { opacity: 1; color: #333333; } /* Firefox 18- (one color)*/
    ::-moz-placeholder          { opacity: 1; color: #333333; } /* Firefox 19+ (double colons) */
    :-ms-input-placeholder      { opacity: 1; color: #333333; }

    Site link using this Css:

    Hope that is of some help.

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