@pixelyoursite – I have updated WooCommerce to 7.3.0 and still gets this issue.
In my opinion it is a bug caused by fact that you are declaring support for HPOS in two files – facebook-master-pixel.php and pixelyoursite.php
What is interesting despite this error in logs I see that Pixelyoursite is not listed under list of plugins incompatible with HPOS in WooCommerce.
And what is interesting – if I comment out the below fragment in both files:
add_action( 'before_woocommerce_init', function() {
if ( class_exists( \Automattic\WooCommerce\Utilities\FeaturesUtil::class ) ) {
\Automattic\WooCommerce\Utilities\FeaturesUtil::declare_compatibility( 'custom_order_tables', FILE, true );
} );
Then PixelYourSite appears as incompatible plugin with HPOS.
But if I comment out it only in pixelyoursite.php and leave it uncommented on facebook-pixel-master.php, then PixelYourSite is treated by WooCommerce as compatible with HPOS and the error is not appearing in logs ??
That’s why I think it is definitely something with your plugin – in my opinion it is cause by fact that in #_options
table under option active_plugins
I have i:15;s:39:"pixelyoursite/facebook-pixel-master.php"
So this issue affects only people who has some your plugin installed for longer period of time when it used old file.
Currently to avoid big logs I have removed from pixelyoursite.php
file code for action before_woocommerce_init
– I do hope it is ok, and this issue will be solved in v.9.3.2 ??