The photo used in mini_portrait is a 60×60 image. It is small and will be pixelated if you enlarge it.
You can use another larger photo that is 250×250 by replacing -mini with -grande in the photo name.
You can also create a custom format using the rencImgSize filter. See Développeur page (French).
In rencontre_mini_portrait.php, Image SRC is a variable. You need to change it to get your new image :
// 1. IMG SRC
$a = '/portrait/'.floor(($u->ID)/1000).'/'.Rencontre::f_img(($u->ID*10).'-grande');
$src = $rencDiv['baseurl'].$a.'.jpg?r='.rand();
// 2. Call new SRC : Replace :
<img class="w3-circle" style="width:<?php echo $photoWidth; ?>px;" src="<?php echo $u->miniPhoto; ?>"
// With :
<img class="w3-circle" src="<?php echo $src; ?>"
// 3. Remove webp format : replace :
<?php if(!empty($u->miniPhotoWebp)) { ?>
// with
<?php if(0) { ?>