Firstly, what version of WooCommerce are you using?
Also, we need to make sure that any other plugin you have enabled in your website, so please try to deactivate all plugins (except WooCommerce and Pixel Caffeine obviously) and check again the Add To Cart events. You can check it by using the pixel helper extension.
If it works, you have a plugin which cause AddToCart to not work. In this case, activate all plugins back one by one, checking the issue every time.
If it doesn’t still work, it worths to do the same thing also with the theme, trying with the default theme, because it may contain some customization for WooCommerce.
You can do the same operation easily thanks to the Health Check tool if you want (already built-in in WordPress since 5.2).
Let me know if you are able to discover something. In case not, please post here your website URL so I can check.