I will take that advice in stride as I review your posts here and see self-promotion and shooting down folks in this section.
Your site linked to here: //denfrivilje.dk/ has some obvious markup errors.
Your site: //www.hrrubin.dk does not appear to be a WPORG site.
My sites are all WPORG sites, with custom child themes.
And, if you read even the first post or footer, you would see this is a new site I am migrating from another site.
Anyway, It’s a very unique WordPress website using a custom child theme and CSS fully designed by me.
Enjoy, but self promotion here is frowned upon.
And, last, after reading this:
“If I were you, I would put some nice photos, a good header with your logo and a background image to set the mood – so people know what they are applying to. Lure people in before asking their age :)”
I can now rest well and ignore your comment.