You could turn on the Share Buttons for Images app from your dashboard. That adds share buttons over appropriate images and when a visitor clicks on those Pinterest buttons, the specific image is shared in this case.
This is particularly useful:
Specifying a Better Quality Image for Sharing
<img src="https://cdn.mysite.com/myimage.jpg"
data-pin-media="https://cdn.mysite.com/myimage_fullsize.jpg" />
You can optionally set the data-pin-media attribute to provide a better quality version of an image. Use this if you display small image thumbnails on your page, but want the higher resolution version shared. Also, because vertically-oriented images work better on Pinterest, you could set a vertical image in places where you display a landscape image.
If you would like to exclude specific images from being Pinterest shareable, you can use:
You could do something like this to mass mark images as not pinnable:
$j(document).ready(function() {
$j('.menu-item img, .footer img , .ambanners img').attr({
'data-pin-no-hover': 'true',
'data-pin-nopin': 'true'
Source: https://duntuk.com/pinterest-how-exclude-images-being-pinned-jquery