• Whenever somebody pingbacks some of my articles, this is not recognized by WP, meaning that the pingback is not inserted into the comment table. Looking up the log files, everthing seems OK (there is code 200) when xmlrpc.php is called.

    Well, as far as I understand the concept of pingback, code 200 doesn’t mean too much here, since a possible error is reported in the output (XML) of the call to xmlrpc.php.

    What might this be? Is there a way to actually see the output of a pingback to give me further hints? I’m running WP 1.2.2 on Debain Woody with PHP 4.1.2.

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  • In OPTIONS > DISCUSSION there is a checkbox that says Allow link notifications from other Weblogs (pingbacks and trackbacks.). Is that checked? It must be to enable ping and trackbacks.

    Thread Starter Gerd


    Yes, trackbacks and pingbacks are enabled, and trackbacks work.

    Interestingly, I can ping myself. This is: If I write an article and refer to one of my prior ones, a comment is added to the this article.

    But pinging back from the outside seems to have no effect. I tried it with my local test installation and nothing happended (I am able to trackback, though). Pingbacks I got the last days (e.g. from bloggingpro.com) didn’t show up either.

    While I think it is OK that pings from address “localhost” don’t show, I wonder about the others, though. Maybe it’s just some coincidence and there’s a bug on the other side?

    It would be nice if somebody can point me to a web ressource to test pingbacks on my side.

    Thread Starter Gerd


    It’s me again ;-). I switched on debug logging and captured a pingback request that failed:

    2005-01-18 16:41:12 Input: <?xml version=”1.0″?>
    <param><value>< array > <data>
    <value><string>[Caller URL]/</string></value>
    <value><string>[My URL]</string></value>
    </data>< /array ></value></param>

    2005-01-18 16:41:12 Output: Incorrect parameters passed to method: Wanted , got at param )

    2005-01-18 16:41:12 Output: <methodResponse><fault>
    <value><string>Incorrect parameters passed to method: Wanted , got at param )</string></value>

    May it be my wordpress 1.2.2 gets confused by <param><value>< array ><data>?

    Thread Starter Gerd


    A funny bug: enter &lt;array&gt; and look at your post. There should be < a r r a y >, but there is has disappeared…

    Thread Starter Gerd


    I’ll keep on talking to myself ??

    Tried out https://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress and it works. However, this server sends a pingback XML containing the following tag hierarchy:

    params – param – value – string – /string – /value – /param – param – value – string – /string – /value – /param – /params.

    I still tend to blame my problems on the additional array and data tag in the failing pingback requests. Unfortunately, I don’t understand the according code in WP 1.2.2, so I cannot help.

    To be honest, this bug really annoys me, since all the sites unsuccesfully pinging me actually are WordPress related sites running WordPress like wordlog.com, for example. And the pingbacks are on articles regarding my WordPress plugin. Duh! WP should be able to process its own requests, shouldn’t it?

    Having a short look over pingback and XML-RPC specs, I tend to think that an array tag is not allowed here. Just guessing: May it be this actually is a bug in WP 1.5 sending wrong pingback requests?

    I am wondering if you ever solved this? I have the same problem?

    Moderator James Huff


    Bruce, double check your ability to receive pingbacks here: https://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress/Gemini/index.php it’s pretty much the “official” test site around here.

    Thread Starter Gerd


    No I haven’t solved this, how could I – without a single response? ??

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