• Brain916


    Well lately I have been a load of ping back and track back spam.
    Is there a way to eliminate this?
    I have taken the URL out of comments, but still pingbacks and track backs are a mess.

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  • vkaryl


    Akismet, Bad Behavior, and Spam Karma 2; all together, or two at a time….

    Wrong machine here, no links – can turn them up using the forum search or from Plugins.



    I believe I have the answer to your trouble right here:

    You have to disable ping backs and while there is a way to set the default for future posts, you need to fix your current posts.

    To do that, you could use this query in phpmyadmin to disable all trackbacks and pingbacks:
    Update wp2_posts set ping_status="closed"
    I had the same trouble as you, did this and problem solved.

    There really needs to be a feature in WP to set this automatically because it’s a problem for a great deal of people. A great deal of people who had labelled their forum posts with the tag spam. But the moderators here must be behind all the trackback spam, because they don’t want you to know about those people who have all had trouble with this. They’ve killed the spam tag. They’ve brutally murdered the search function repeatedly. All these helpers will repeat their mantra of spam-killing solutions while avoiding the root of the problem. We must unite! …under the umbrella of the spam forum tag.

    Me, I’ve got my tin hat and my Update wp2_posts set ping_status="closed" and I’m ready to rock this problem.

    Oh and change the table prefix of wp2_ if you need to and don’t wear a tin hat if you have blond hair. Use a teflon pan.

    … and then you can enable your comments again. I believe that the system for trackbacks needs to be changed but nobody listens to me anyhow. I’m just a crazy guy who can’t stop ranting about the conspiracy against solving spam, the guy who gets all nuts every time he hears the standard mantra of use Akismet, use SpamKarma, use your toothbrush. A load of bull. There’s a problem in the system but they don’t want to see it.

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