• Until two days ago, I could easily upload photos to posts and to my media library. Suddenly I cannot.

    When I go to add media to my post, I select the file (a .jpg) I’d like to upload. When it processes, it’s simply a blank box with the photo’s alt text in it. I can insert photos that are already in my media library, but I can’t add new photos to the library or add new photos to the post itself (without trying to add them to the library first).

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  • No answers, problem is still here, I’m using Nextgen gallery as an alternative to upload new media, tried in 3 different Macs and 4 different browsers, nothing works, I see only the title “Upload New Media” in a frozen screen, no option for clicking or browsing anything.

    Would a generous soul share some of its knowledge / experience with me?

    I’ll keep waiting some more days, next step, downgrade back to 2.9.1…

    The same thing is happening to me. yesterday afternoon I was able to upload images with no problem. About 3 hours later I went it to add some more images and they were not uploading correctly into my media library. There was no thumbnail of the picture and when I tried inserting the image into a page it would show up as a broken image.

    I don’t know whats going on, but now I have several pissed customers. My servers with network solutions will not let me change chmod to 777.

    Why, all of a sudden did this break? I installed NextGen Image Gallery and tried uploading to there with the same results.

    However if you try to edit the picture properties, the picture will show up, but still unable to insert to page or post correctly. Shows missing image icon in IE and no image at all in FF or Safari.

    Hi, the same happened to me.

    I upload the “image” and it seems that is been uploaded but when i check in the folder there is no image and so the image appear in blank.

    Any ideas?

    I already tried chmod stuff.


    Check this out:


    I went to settings link and yes, the folder was wrong.



    I’ve tried everything you mentioned above – modified permissions on wp-content and wp-content/uploads folders, tried to upload an image – still broken. Tried changing it back, upload an image – still broken.

    Posted some further explanation and pictures on one of my blog sites (not the blog having an issue).

    Can you your or anyone else advise on additional options or ideas for troubleshooting the problem?

    @eylons36 – I too would love to understand the root cause for this problem instead of trying to fish for work-arounds or solutions, not knowing if this will happen again due to a plugin or some other element.

    same issue.

    I’m hosted at Network Solutions – they’ve been addressing all the perms issues to stop the malicious stuff…. but now, I can’t see files in the post editor – it knows their size in pixels, it knows their name – but it can’t display the graphics of the photo – just the outline. I uploaded last on Saturday AM, and these changes were going on all weekend.

    the perms where changed to have sbits on the x field and the upload dir has the same perms as the wp-content….


    Update on my own situation: the hoster has corrected something and my image uploads are working as they did before – eg., the jpg files have read permission again so the post editor can actually display the content and not just the dimensions of the photo. Sorry if I seemed to be raggin’ on NS, wasn’t my intent at all.

    I’m also with NS callmebob so let me muck about with my permissions, fingers crossed.

    Did as suggested:
    “try chmod 777 on /wp-content and uploads folder under it
    do an upload – should work
    chmod back to 755
    should work from now on”
    still a big fat “X” where thumbnail should be…


    I went through individual permissions on folders (select folder on your FTP files, right-click>change permissions) and changed to 775 which seems to have worked.

    Note: Network Solutions changed permissions and passwords and I believe this was a catalyst for many WP users hosted by NS. Cheers!

    Success here too! I’m on network solutions and uploaded 10 pictures this morning, then it suddenly stopped working mid-post. Odd. Wasn’t working then suddenly it did when I reset to 775 and for the entire uploads folder and clicked the ‘recursive’ box. Hope this helps others.

    I am having the same problem and am also on NS. How do I get to the folders on FTP to change the permissions? I just use IE. Thank you.

    Update – figured out how to change the permissions and checked all acces for all users. Any other ideas? I can pay for support if someone is a consultant and can fix this. Thank you.

    mfogel, What is your URL or contact details…

    I will have a look at it…

    Thank you

    OK. I had the same problem yesterday but not with ALL images I tried to upload. Today, I come in and the same photos that wouldn’t display yesterday are now fine. All photos were .jpg and worked with all other software. I decided to change one of them, uploaded the new image and am getting the same broken image as I did yesterday afternoon.

    The kicker is I’m new to this side of WordPress, so I have the whole shebang loaded on my local machine so as to learn it before releasing the site to the universe.

    I’m using 2.9.2.

    Color me baffled.

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