Thanks for your quick answer. I will try to explain it more specific.I installed image caption hover plugin. I have created 1 row with 3 coulmns isnide it. I created 3 images for zoom hover with image caption hover plugin, and I have placed each of this 3 images into one of previously created 3 columns. Now, zoom on hover works fine, but there is one issue although. When I hove with mouse cursor over one image it is fine, bt when I go with mouse cursor on second or third image, I get hover zoom effect on two images at the same time. For an exapmle, I hover image number one, then I try hovering image number two and I get hover zoom effect on both of this images at the same time. Do you know how can I solve this issue? I want to have hover zoom only on image that mouse cursos is on at the moment, and I do not want to have zoom hover effect on two images at the same time.
Thank you.