I meant that you have to edit the code of the plugin itself.
Your feed address is ok…there is loads of images listed…nothing wrong.
The plugin is not matching them because Google change the format of the url for each photo.
the image https://lh5.ggpht.com/-WlRY50C6jW8/S-nlXw-IKpI/AAAAAAAABi0/i_Yii7AmPxY/s288/Tracy%252520Sprague.jpg is different than the old formatting. the old way would have been (_WlRY50C6jW8) with an underscore instead of a hyphen.
If you NEED to fix it now rather than waiting for an official fix, go to plugins and click “edit” under Anyfeed Slideshow.
In the code for anyfeed-slideshow/anyfeed_slideshow.php, find and change url=\’http:\/\/.*?\.ggpht\.com\/_.*?\/.*?\/.*?\/.*?\/s)
(there are 2 instances, notice I took out the underscore)