Thanks for the reply. Not having a deep technical understanding of these issues I’m not sure I fully understand your explanation of the cookies purpose. Could you provide an explanation that an ordinary member of the public would understand – which I could then include in the Privacy Policy page explanation of the function of the cookies used by a website?
I’m sure the cookie isn’t harmful – but because is gets set when a website using the EBS plugin is first accessed, it would appear to contravene EU legislation on cookies. In the UK the Information Commissioner’s Office gives this guidance The observations on page 5 (“Prior Consent”) are particularly relevant. Page 12 provides guidance on exceptions to the need for prior consent. I’m no lawyer, but it may be hard to argue that the cookies provided by the EBS plugin could be deemed essential.
Is the use of cookies essential to all uses of the EBS plugin? Would it be possible to disable the setting of cookies by the administrator, or better still to link the use of the cookie to user acceptance of cookies, as with the EU Cookie Law (or other cookie) plugin?
This is a great plugin – and one I would like to continue to use. But it would be great to be able to use it without the legal uncertainty around its usage.