phpMyAdmin export – Copying DB tables goes wrong
I need to know how I can copy some tables from one database to another – and make the contents appear there. Also: How to avoid character problems.Problem is: I’ve been using the rs-discuss plugin to run a forum and now need to copy the tables into another database (inside the same domain). I’ve use phpMyAdmin to export the three rs-discuss tables (wp_rs_discuss_forums/ ..posts/ ..topics – all names should contain rs_discuss, right?) After importing them to the other database, I set up a rs-discuss-based forum to ensure everythig’s OK – but no.
– The forums show up and the rs-discuss’ post counter in the three forum look OK – but only one forum is possible to open, and there only one post opens (the oldest)
Also – foreign characters (?/?/?) becomes a mess.
Anyone who knows in detail the settings I should use for the tables’ export? Or is something else crucial here?
Really grateful for any suggestions,
KjetilphpMyAdmin export settings
After choosing the 3 tables that appears to contain all rs-discuss stuff, I’ve chosen:-
Export: SQL
- Options – Structure: Add Drop table + Add Auto increments + Enclose table and field names with backquotes + export compatibility: None
- Options – Data: Use hexadecimal for binary fields
- Export type: Insert
…and then saved it as a file that I then uploaded using the SQL tab in phpmyadmin – with character set to default utf8.
Any obvious mistakes?
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