phpMyAdmin causes wordpress database to dissapear!!
Hi There, My first post here on the forums, unfortunately it is not good news, any help would be much appreciated.
OK, so I’ve been building myself a CMS driven website using wordpress as I’ve heard a lot of good things. It’s been fun learning it, and I was almost there with what I was aiming for.
The problem came when I wanted to know a bit about what info was stored in the database and how. I used a version of phpMyAdmin that I had sitting on my server to look at the wordpress database, and it showed up empty. Next thing I knew my site was asking me to setup wordpress again!! The database had been wiped! Not good… but I spent a few hours rebuilding it (I still had the Theme luckily) and then again today I wanted to know something about the database, so I installed the phpMyAdmin wordpress plugin thinking this would be safe…
Well, I’ve just clicked on it in tools, and it brought up a list of tables, I clicked on one of the tables to expand it and Boom!!! the same thing happened. Looks like the database has been wiped again!
Now, I don’t mind rebuilding again one last time but can anyone shed any light on why this is happening?
I know you’ll say ‘stop looking at the database’ but it should be safe to do so right? I’m not pressing any ‘delete all’ buttons or anything, just the very use of phpMyAdmin seems to render the database useless.
Thanks Guys…
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