• I’m curious as to what program everyone uses to edit their php and css files. I was using Window’s ‘Wordpad’ for the longest (as it handles formatting better than Notepad) but recently I’ve been trying EditPad (www.editpadlite.com) which I really like because its powerful and simplistic. I’ve also tested Crimson Editor (www.crimsoneditor.com) which is nice because it has a built in FTP plug which will connet to your server to DL the lastest files, and reupload them after you save…Crimson editor tends to be a bit bloated for normal purposes though and i’ve reverted back to EditPadLite. The only positive about C.E. is that you can turn on Line Numbers (which is helpful for finding errors quickly). EditPadLite does have a ‘goto line #’ command though, which takes a second longer but has the same outcome….How about you?

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  • nano, all you need.

    no one using Homesite?

    thanks for the CSSED recommendation, I’d never heard of it before today


    I use HTML-Kit for everything, although I’m keen on trying Jedit because I saw its ability to search within a number of files at once. If there’s a way to do that with H-Kit, I haven’t figured it out. I’d install it just for that purpose.

    I use Taco, too. Great little program. If I need more power, I go back to Alpha with the html module.


    I’ve got to throw my two cents in. I use TopStyle Pro (https://www.bradsoft.com/topstyle) for live CSS editing; but I prefer the now defunct Evrsoft 1st Page 2000 (https://www.evrsoft.com) for straight HTML editing. I’ve been using it ever since I started making web pages and old habits die hard! I went out and bought Macromedia Studio MX with my Christmas bonus last year and just never have learned to use it.

    PSPad here, but I’m going to try out:
    Eclipse (With the PHP plugin)

    PHP designer is a no/NO for me as there is no support for save to ftp or load from ftp which IMHO renders it a useless program!

    Just taking a quick look at PSpad and it looks like I may like this well, @techgnome what do you like about it better than Maguma, other than it seems streamlined/light in program size?

    I don’t like FTP in programs, except for when I use an FTP program…

    @zack56, your site is still down for me as I checked your profile right now, it should have re-propagated by now I would think.

    When working on the fly, I like the ability to save to ftp, a lot less hassle but also use stand alone ftp programs

    Yeah, good point. I think I should probably be doing something like that…

    Anyone using PSPad have the problem where when you paste, the cursor jumps up a line or two so you have to move it back to delete or continue typing?

    I hate the sentence wrap thing, which tends to be indiscriminate on when it wraps and when it doesn’t, so I’m using the shortcut keys all the time to force it to wrap and unwrap.

    I’m having some other bugs, too, and I was wondering if this is normal or I have a screwy version. It’s the latest, I think. It’s a slick text editor, and if it weren’t for the horrid editing jumping around stuff, I’d really be a fan.

    Yeah that is kinda annoying, I really like Maguma Studio better but is heavy to load, but pspad does show nice potential but I have only had it less than a day, the fact though that I have used it longer than 5 minutes says something though.

    I am using Dreamweaver. My only tool for web developement.

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