• ealvin


    I found the “phpBB Recent Posts” plugin but I have some questions about it’s use.

    I opened the php file. Inside I find this info …

    function show_posts($limit = 10)
    global $wpdb;
    //Put your phpBB and wordpress database info here:
    $WPDB = “wordpress”; //WP db name
    $PHPBBDB = “phpbb”; //phpBB db name
    $USERS_TABLE = “phpbb_users”; //phpbb user table
    $TOPICS_TABLE = “phpbb_topics”; //phpbb topics table
    $POSTS_TABLE = “phpbb_posts”; //phpbb posts table
    $SITEURL = “https://yoda.gatewayy.net/forum/”; //Forum URL with trailing /
    //Do not edit beyond this point

    I know the name of my WP database but I’m not sure about the name of my phpBB db name. I assume that’s my db user name, is that correct? And as far as site url I guess that’s my https://www.urlname.com/blog. Would I then save and upload this to the Plugins folder?

    If all of that is correct I have no idea how I activate it and place the posts where I want them in one of my side panels. Can someone help? And of course, if there is anything I’ve left out please let me know that as well. Thanks so much.

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  • I received the same exact error as JeremyCade when I tried to activate and use the plugin, does anyone know why?

    Okay, the problem is with these lines –


    function show_posts($limit = 10)
    global $wpdb;
    //Put your phpBB and wordpress database info here:
    $WPDB = “basedat”; //
    $PHPBBDB = “basedat”; //
    $USERS_TABLE = “phpbb_users”; //phpbb user table
    $TOPICS_TABLE = “phpbb_topics”; //phpbb topics table
    $POSTS_TABLE = “phpbb_posts”; //phpbb posts table
    $SITEURL = “your forum URL”; //Forum URL with trailing /
    //Do not edit beyond this point

    I put the names of my databases, but how does this code read them? What format should I use in plugging in the names here?

    And I have no idea what these lines mean, are we supposed to edit them too?

    $USERS_TABLE = “phpbb_users”; //phpbb user table
    $TOPICS_TABLE = “phpbb_topics”; //phpbb topics table
    $POSTS_TABLE = “phpbb_posts”; //phpbb posts table

    I found the problem. There is a line in the file that we were supposed to delete (the last few lines way at the bottom where it says “add this to sidebar.php”)

    Just be sure to plug in the correct name of your WP and phpbb database names. If you’re not sure check your phpMyAdmin, if you don’t use that then you should be able to find it somewhere. Check your host panel too sure to be sure.

    This is fairly easy to install but admittedly it’s pretty confusing and the file itself has a few bugs (it messes up the dates, etc) but if you play around with it and delete the extra info that you don’t want you should be fine.

    Just letting you know that the author of the plugin no longer supports the plugin as he lost all of his code in a harddrive crash. I own the gatewayy.net domain so I will put up a place holder page on yoda.gatewayy.net explaining this as well. If anyone does have the code for the last release can you please email me at gatewayy at gatewayy dot net so that I can give him something of the plugin and maybe he will support it again. Thanks. ??

    Any clue as to how to get this plugin to play nicely with randomly ascribed database names on the same server?

    I’ve corrected the error at the bottom of the script. I’ve plugged in all the “right” information, but it keeps rejecting the forum database name for some reason. Did anyone have to put their database name and password in to make this thing work?

    My sidebar looks ridiculous with the WordPress error riding along in it. ?? Thanks.

    The plugin works fine, and I’ve re-vamped it: Previousley the links in the sidebar (or whereber you out them) took you to the 1:st post in the thread with the latest addition. Now it takes you to the latest post in that thread, which is really what people expect when they press the freaking link.

    If you want “my version” then it’s here >> https://www.eyerouge.com/arkiv/wp-phpbb.phps

    1. Download the file.
    2. Rename it to wp-phpbb.php
    3. Upload it to your plugins directory
    4. Edit the settings in it.
    5. Put <? show_posts("4"); ?> in a good location
    within a template, where you want to display the info.
    6. Activate it in the WP-admin

    Enjoy, and don’t mail me if you can’t get it to work.

    Nice work, I like the post location improvement (landing page).

    Any ideas for excluding hidden forums, perhaps by forum id #?

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