• ealvin


    I found the “phpBB Recent Posts” plugin but I have some questions about it’s use.

    I opened the php file. Inside I find this info …

    function show_posts($limit = 10)
    global $wpdb;
    //Put your phpBB and wordpress database info here:
    $WPDB = “wordpress”; //WP db name
    $PHPBBDB = “phpbb”; //phpBB db name
    $USERS_TABLE = “phpbb_users”; //phpbb user table
    $TOPICS_TABLE = “phpbb_topics”; //phpbb topics table
    $POSTS_TABLE = “phpbb_posts”; //phpbb posts table
    $SITEURL = “https://yoda.gatewayy.net/forum/”; //Forum URL with trailing /
    //Do not edit beyond this point

    I know the name of my WP database but I’m not sure about the name of my phpBB db name. I assume that’s my db user name, is that correct? And as far as site url I guess that’s my https://www.urlname.com/blog. Would I then save and upload this to the Plugins folder?

    If all of that is correct I have no idea how I activate it and place the posts where I want them in one of my side panels. Can someone help? And of course, if there is anything I’ve left out please let me know that as well. Thanks so much.

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  • moshu


    Hmmm… I don’t think this plugin is for WP, rather for phpBB (which is a wll known forum software >> https://www.phpbb.com/

    For WP customizable post listings see:

    moshu is incorrect – the plugin is here:


    And yes you need a seperate database name for the

    $PHPBBDB = "phpbb"; //phpBB db name

    After completing the neccerssary requirements upload, activate and post

    <? show_posts("Number of posts wanted here"); ?>

    Wherever you want the posts. (ie. in sidebar.php)

    I’ve not tried it yet but i will

    Well tbh i couldn’t get it to work but really just check what databases you are using and you might be luckier!

    Sorry, I was wrong. However the OP did not have phpBB installed and what he wanted was the “recent posts” for WP ??

    link is down.. I’d really need this plugin. If someone has it, please email it for me theflowermarket a icmail dot net. Or if you have a link for it somewhere else. I couldn’t find one. thanks


    yes this link has been down for a few weeks now

    Is there a way to do syndicate wp and phpbb with some other mod. Fech All?

    I was wondering if anyone knew of a place to get the phpBB latest posts plug-in? The author’s site is down.

    Many thanks,


    The link for this plugin does not seem to be working anymore.


    Does anyone know of a mirror or another site where I can download this plugin? If not, can someone who is using this plugin, make it available for download or email it to me at twistshow[at]gmail[dot]com

    any help with this? I’d really like some kind of phpbb plugin that will display the most n number of recent posts to my phpbb forums.

    Does phpBB have an RSS feed for that like most major forum software does? If so just use one of the RSS plugins for WP and feed it the phpBB RSS feed.

    I’ve looked for a MOD for phpbb and found a “supposed” RSS 0.92 MOD but can’t seem to get it to work. I don’t really want an RSS 0.92, I would need an RSS 2.0 feed and can’t seem to find anything like that.

    That link to the above-mentioned plugin is still down. In fact, it looks like that entire subdomain is down. I’m really interested in this plugin, though. I need it for a site I’m building as a Christmas gift.

    If anybody has it or knows where to get, please contact me. My email address at yahoo is alans17. Thanks in advance.

    I want this plug-ins. Can somebody give me a copy of files?

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