I′d like to give you information on php notices I got while testing a WP site with this plugin on WP 4.9.9 in debug mode on php7:
wpdebug_true: Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Category_Post_List_widget has a deprecated constructor in .../wp-content/plugins/category-post-list-widget/category-post-list-widget.php on line 75
Notice: Undefined index: slider_speed in .../wp-content/plugins/category-post-list-widget/category-post-list-widget.php on line 151
Notice: Undefined index: slider_autoplay_speed in ../wp-content/plugins/category-post-list-widget/category-post-list-widget.php on line 152
Anyway, using the plugin causes no problems, as I can see at the moment.
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