PHP Warning: passthru(): Unable to fork [/usr/bin/mysqldump …
Error Log entry (censored)
[Tue May 05 14:00:51 2015] [error] [client] PHP Warning: passthru(): Unable to fork [/usr/bin/mysqldump –force –host=’localhost’ –user=’user’ \n–password=’password’ –default-character-set=”utf8″ –add-drop-table –skip-lock-tables database > /home/user/backup-db/1430820051_-_site.sql] in /home/user/www/ on line 251, referer:
Command in the log runs fine from the command line, and successfully creates the dump file.
memory_limit set to 500M
Brand new site with little content.
Are there certain php.ini and apache config directives required that I may be overlooking?
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