PHP warning on the checkout page
Warning: stripos(): Offset not contained in string in /homepages/41/d292723373/htdocs/wp_test/wp-content/plugins/fullscreen-galleria/galleria-fs.php on line 69
This error shows up on the empty check out page – WP Debug FALSE:
However if something is inside the cart, there will be no warning.On my localhost I get one additional notice, with WP Debug TRUE.
Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 49 in F:\xampp\htdocs\wp\wp-content\plugins\fullscreen-galleria\galleria-fs.php on line 69 Warning: stripos(): Offset not contained in string in F:\xampp\htdocs\wp\wp-content\plugins\fullscreen-galleria\galleria-fs.php on line 69
Looking at the code it’s
function tagarg(&$tag, $arg) { $i = stripos($tag, $arg); // 3 if ($i !== FALSE) { $len = strlen($tag); while ($i < $len && $tag[$i] != "'" && $tag[$i] != '"') { ++$i; } ++$i; // 50 $j = stripos($tag, $tag[$i - 1], $i); if ($j !== FALSE) { return substr($tag, $i, $j - $i); } } return ''; }
in my case $i would be 50, but the actual tag length is 49 therefore the PHP warning occurs. Seems to me that last pre increment is causing problem, however if I actually comment it out, galleria will stop working (no data attributes added to the link).
WP e-Commerce Version,
Fullscreen Galleria Version 1.2.2
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