PHP Warning: Object of class WP_Post could not be converted to int
After upgrading the PHP 8.2, I am seeing this warning across the WP Admin section:
[01-Feb-2024 15:44:07 UTC] PHP Warning: Object of class WP_Post could not be converted to int in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/co-authors-plus/template-tags.php on line 7 [01-Feb-2024 15:44:07 UTC] PHP Stack trace: [01-Feb-2024 15:44:07 UTC] PHP 1. {main}() /var/www/html/wp-admin/index.php:0 [01-Feb-2024 15:44:07 UTC] PHP 2. wp_dashboard() /var/www/html/wp-admin/index.php:204 [01-Feb-2024 15:44:07 UTC] PHP 3. do_meta_boxes($screen = 'dashboard', $context = 'normal', $data_object = '') /var/www/html/wp-admin/includes/dashboard.php:271 [01-Feb-2024 15:44:07 UTC] PHP 4. Nelio_Content\Admin\Views\Overview_Dashboard_Widget\render_widget('', ['id' => 'nelio-content-dashboard-overview', 'title' => 'Nelio Content Overview', 'callback' => 'Nelio_Content\\Admin\\Views\\Overview_Dashboard_Widget\\render_widget', 'args' => []]) /var/www/html/wp-admin/includes/template.php:1456 [01-Feb-2024 15:44:07 UTC] PHP 5. Nelio_Content\Admin\Views\Overview_Dashboard_Widget\render_posts() /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/nelio-content/admin/views/nelio-content-overview-widget.php:48 [01-Feb-2024 15:44:07 UTC] PHP 6. array_walk($array = [0 => class WP_Post { public $ID = 92896; public $post_author = '689'; public $post_date = '2023-11-07 14:39:27'; public $post_date_gmt = '2023-11-07 19:39:27'; public $post_content = '[gallery size="full" link="none" columns="1" ids="92657,92635,92612,92611,92610,92566"]'; public $post_title = 'Randy Slideshow Test Post'; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'publish'; public $comment_status = 'open'; public $ping_status = 'open'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = 'randy-slideshow-test-post'; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2023-11-07 15:26:21'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2023-11-07 20:26:21'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = 'https://greenmarketreport.test/?p=92896'; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'post'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw' }, 1 => class WP_Post { public $ID = 92882; public $post_author = '3'; public $post_date = '2023-04-04 11:36:22'; public $post_date_gmt = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; public $post_content = '<span style="font-weight: 400;">While the embattled <a >High Times Holding Corp.</a> waits for its equally financially impaired lender <a >ExWorks to foreclose</a>, the cannabis media company is being sued for reneging on a domain name deal. Merlin Kauffman filed a lawsuit in Florida last week for a final default judgment against Trans High Corporation and High Times Holding Corp. </span>\n\n<span style="font'...; public $post_title = 'High Times Fails To Settlement In Deal'; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'draft'; public $comment_status = 'open'; public $ping_status = 'open'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = ''; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2023-04-04 11:36:22'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2023-04-04 15:36:22'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'post'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw' }, 2 => class WP_Post { public $ID = 92861; public $post_author = '3'; public $post_date = '2023-04-04 10:35:24'; public $post_date_gmt = '2023-04-04 14:35:24'; public $post_content = 'MJ’s Market Inc., a small, closely held Massachusetts corporation established in May 2018, is accusing <a href="">Jushi Inc.</a> (OTC: JUSHF) of fighting its efforts to open a dispensary in Tyngsborough, which would be its second store in the state.\r\n\r\nAccording to<a > Law360</a>, the town decided to approve only two stores, and MJ\'s Market wants one of them. One store, Nature\''...; public $post_title = 'Jushi Accused of Fighting Competition in Masssachusetts'; public $post_excerpt = 'MJ\'s Market wants $60 million in damages.'; public $post_status = 'publish'; public $comment_status = 'open'; public $ping_status = 'open'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = 'jushi-accused-of-fighting-competition-in-masssachusetts'; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2023-04-04 11:21:13'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2023-04-04 15:21:13'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'post'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw' }, 3 => class WP_Post { public $ID = 92853; public $post_author = '681'; public $post_date = '2023-04-04 10:21:12'; public $post_date_gmt = '2023-04-04 14:21:12'; public $post_content = '<div class="flex-1 overflow-hidden">\r\n<div class="react-scroll-to-bottom--css-ecfua-79elbk h-full dark:bg-gray-800">\r\n<div class="react-scroll-to-bottom--css-ecfua-1n7m0yu">\r\n<div class="flex flex-col items-center text-sm dark:bg-gray-800">\r\n<div class="group w-full text-gray-800 dark:text-gray-100 border-b border-black/10 dark:border-gray-900/50 bg-gray-50 dark:bg-[#444654]">\r\n<div class="text-base gap-4 md:gap-6 md:max-w-2xl lg:max-w-xl xl:max-w-3xl p-4 md:py-6 flex lg:px-0 m-auto">\r\n<div class="relative '...; public $post_title = 'Startup Hormonal Wellness Platform to Buy Ketamine Wellness Centers'; public $post_excerpt = 'KWC recently closed its clinics due to financial problems.'; public $post_status = 'publish'; public $comment_status = 'open'; public $ping_status = 'open'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = 'startup-hormonal-wellness-platform-to-buy-ketamine-wellness-centers'; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2023-04-04 10:21:12'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2023-04-04 14:21:12'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'post'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw' }, 4 => class WP_Post { public $ID = 92856; public $post_author = '3'; public $post_date = '2023-04-04 09:17:58'; public $post_date_gmt = '2023-04-04 13:17:58'; public $post_content = 'After the market closed on Monday, <a href="">Enveric Biosciences Inc.</a> (Nasdaq: ENVB) reported <a >financial results</a> for the fourth quarter and year ended Dec. 31, 2022.\r\n\r\nThe company reported a comprehensive net loss of $19.3 million for the year 2022, including $2.4 million in net non-cash expenses, with a basic and diluted loss per share of $13.00, as compared to a comprehensive net loss of $48.8 million with'...; public $post_title = 'Enveric Biosciences Needs More Money to Get Past 2023'; public $post_excerpt = 'The company is down to $14 million in working capital.'; public $post_status = 'publish'; public $comment_status = 'open'; public $ping_status = 'open'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = 'enveric-biosciences-says-it-need-more-money-to-get-past-2023'; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2023-04-04 11:11:25'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2023-04-04 15:11:25'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'post'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw' }], $callback = 'Nelio_Content\\Admin\\Views\\Overview_Dashboard_Widget\\render_post') /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/nelio-content/admin/views/nelio-content-overview-widget.php:81 [01-Feb-2024 15:44:07 UTC] PHP 7. Nelio_Content\Admin\Views\Overview_Dashboard_Widget\render_post($p = class WP_Post { public $ID = 92882; public $post_author = '3'; public $post_date = '2023-04-04 11:36:22'; public $post_date_gmt = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; public $post_content = '<span style="font-weight: 400;">While the embattled <a >High Times Holding Corp.</a> waits for its equally financially impaired lender <a >ExWorks to foreclose</a>, the cannabis media company is being sued for reneging on a domain name deal. Merlin Kauffman filed a lawsuit in Florida last week for a final default judgment against Trans High Corporation and High Times Holding Corp. </span>\n\n<span style="font'...; public $post_title = 'High Times Fails To Settlement In Deal'; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'draft'; public $comment_status = 'open'; public $ping_status = 'open'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = ''; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2023-04-04 11:36:22'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2023-04-04 15:36:22'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'post'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw' }, 1) /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/nelio-content/admin/views/nelio-content-overview-widget.php:81 [01-Feb-2024 15:44:07 UTC] PHP 8. current_user_can($capability = 'edit_post', ...$args = variadic(class WP_Post { public $ID = 92882; public $post_author = '3'; public $post_date = '2023-04-04 11:36:22'; public $post_date_gmt = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; public $post_content = '<span style=" font-weight: 400;">While the embattled <a >High Times Holding Corp.</a> waits for its equally financially impaired lender <a >ExWorks to foreclose</a>, the cannabis media company is being sued for reneging on a domain name deal. Merlin Kauffman filed a lawsuit in Florida last week for a final default judgment against Trans High Corporation and High Times Holding Corp. </span>\n\n<span style="font'...; public $post_title = 'High Times Fails To Settlement In Deal'; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'draft'; public $comment_status = 'open'; public $ping_status = 'open'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = ''; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2023-04-04 11:36:22'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2023-04-04 15:36:22'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'post'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw' })) /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/nelio-content/admin/views/nelio-content-overview-widget.php:192 [01-Feb-2024 15:44:07 UTC] PHP 9. user_can($user = class WP_User { public $data = class stdClass { public $ID = '689'; public $user_login = 'devrandy'; public $user_pass = '$P$BP/yBSqcg.WNsT6SkGqq11PXvpdNXe1'; public $user_nicename = 'devrandy'; public $user_email = '[email protected]'; public $user_url = ''; public $user_registered = '2023-04-12 13:51:03'; public $user_activation_key = ''; public $user_status = '0'; public $display_name = 'devrandy' }; public $ID = 689; public $caps = ['administrator' => TRUE]; public $cap_key = 'wp_capabilities'; public $roles = [0 => 'administrator']; public $allcaps = ['switch_themes' => TRUE, 'edit_themes' => TRUE, 'activate_plugins' => TRUE, 'edit_plugins' => TRUE, 'edit_users' => TRUE, 'edit_files' => TRUE, 'manage_options' => TRUE, 'moderate_comments' => TRUE, 'manage_categories' => TRUE, 'manage_links' => TRUE, 'upload_files' => TRUE, 'import' => TRUE, 'unfiltered_html' => TRUE, 'edit_posts' => TRUE, 'edit_others_posts' => TRUE, 'edit_published_posts' => TRUE, 'publish_posts' => TRUE, 'edit_pages' => TRUE, 'read' => TRUE, 'level_10' => TRUE, 'level_9' => TRUE, 'level_8' => TRUE, 'level_7' => TRUE, 'level_6' => TRUE, 'level_5' => TRUE, 'level_4' => TRUE, 'level_3' => TRUE, 'level_2' => TRUE, 'level_1' => TRUE, 'level_0' => TRUE, 'edit_others_pages' => TRUE, 'edit_published_pages' => TRUE, 'publish_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_others_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_published_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_posts' => TRUE, 'delete_others_posts' => TRUE, 'delete_published_posts' => TRUE, 'delete_private_posts' => TRUE, 'edit_private_posts' => TRUE, 'read_private_posts' => TRUE, 'delete_private_pages' => TRUE, 'edit_private_pages' => TRUE, 'read_private_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_users' => TRUE, 'create_users' => TRUE, 'unfiltered_upload' => TRUE, 'edit_dashboard' => TRUE, 'update_plugins' => TRUE, 'delete_plugins' => TRUE, 'install_plugins' => TRUE, 'update_themes' => TRUE, 'install_themes' => TRUE, 'update_core' => TRUE, 'list_users' => TRUE, 'remove_users' => TRUE, 'promote_users' => TRUE, 'edit_theme_options' => TRUE, 'delete_themes' => TRUE, 'export' => TRUE, 'manage_woocommerce' => TRUE, 'view_woocommerce_reports' => TRUE, 'edit_product' => TRUE, 'read_product' => TRUE, 'delete_product' => TRUE, 'edit_products' => TRUE, 'edit_others_products' => TRUE, 'publish_products' => TRUE, 'read_private_products' => TRUE, 'delete_products' => TRUE, 'delete_private_products' => TRUE, 'delete_published_products' => TRUE, 'delete_others_products' => TRUE, 'edit_private_products' => TRUE, 'edit_published_products' => TRUE, 'manage_product_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_product_terms' => TRUE, 'delete_product_terms' => TRUE, 'assign_product_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_order' => TRUE, 'read_shop_order' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_order' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'edit_others_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'publish_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'read_private_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'delete_private_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'delete_published_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'delete_others_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'edit_private_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'edit_published_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'manage_shop_order_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_order_terms' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_order_terms' => TRUE, 'assign_shop_order_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_coupon' => TRUE, 'read_shop_coupon' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_coupon' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'edit_others_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'publish_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'read_private_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'delete_private_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'delete_published_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'delete_others_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'edit_private_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'edit_published_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'manage_shop_coupon_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_coupon_terms' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_coupon_terms' => TRUE, 'assign_shop_coupon_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_webhook' => TRUE, 'read_shop_webhook' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_webhook' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'edit_others_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'publish_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'read_private_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'delete_private_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'delete_published_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'delete_others_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'edit_private_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'edit_published_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'manage_shop_webhook_terms' => TRUE, ...]; public $filter = NULL; private $site_id = 1 }, $capability = 'edit_post', ...$args = variadic(class WP_Post { public $ID = 92882; public $post_author = '3'; public $post_date = '2023-04-04 11:36:22'; public $post_date_gmt = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; public $post_content = '<span style=" font-weight: 400;">While the embattled <a >High Times Holding Corp.</a> waits for its equally financially impaired lender <a >ExWorks to foreclose</a>, the cannabis media company is being sued for reneging on a domain name deal. Merlin Kauffman filed a lawsuit in Florida last week for a final default judgment against Trans High Corporation and High Times Holding Corp. </span>\n\n<span style="font'...; public $post_title = 'High Times Fails To Settlement In Deal'; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'draft'; public $comment_status = 'open'; public $ping_status = 'open'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = ''; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2023-04-04 11:36:22'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2023-04-04 15:36:22'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'post'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw' })) /var/www/html/wp-includes/capabilities.php:877 [01-Feb-2024 15:44:07 UTC] PHP 10. WP_User->has_cap($cap = 'edit_post', ...$args = variadic(class WP_Post { public $ID = 92882; public $post_author = '3'; public $post_date = '2023-04-04 11:36:22'; public $post_date_gmt = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; public $post_content = '<span style=" font-weight: 400;">While the embattled <a >High Times Holding Corp.</a> waits for its equally financially impaired lender <a >ExWorks to foreclose</a>, the cannabis media company is being sued for reneging on a domain name deal. Merlin Kauffman filed a lawsuit in Florida last week for a final default judgment against Trans High Corporation and High Times Holding Corp. </span>\n\n<span style="font'...; public $post_title = 'High Times Fails To Settlement In Deal'; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'draft'; public $comment_status = 'open'; public $ping_status = 'open'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = ''; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2023-04-04 11:36:22'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2023-04-04 15:36:22'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'post'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw' })) /var/www/html/wp-includes/capabilities.php:985 [01-Feb-2024 15:44:07 UTC] PHP 11. apply_filters($hook_name = 'user_has_cap', $value = ['switch_themes' => TRUE, 'edit_themes' => TRUE, 'activate_plugins' => TRUE, 'edit_plugins' => TRUE, 'edit_users' => TRUE, 'edit_files' => TRUE, 'manage_options' => TRUE, 'moderate_comments' => TRUE, 'manage_categories' => TRUE, 'manage_links' => TRUE, 'upload_files' => TRUE, 'import' => TRUE, 'unfiltered_html' => TRUE, 'edit_posts' => TRUE, 'edit_others_posts' => TRUE, 'edit_published_posts' => TRUE, 'publish_posts' => TRUE, 'edit_pages' => TRUE, 'read' => TRUE, 'level_10' => TRUE, 'level_9' => TRUE, 'level_8' => TRUE, 'level_7' => TRUE, 'level_6' => TRUE, 'level_5' => TRUE, 'level_4' => TRUE, 'level_3' => TRUE, 'level_2' => TRUE, 'level_1' => TRUE, 'level_0' => TRUE, 'edit_others_pages' => TRUE, 'edit_published_pages' => TRUE, 'publish_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_others_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_published_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_posts' => TRUE, 'delete_others_posts' => TRUE, 'delete_published_posts' => TRUE, 'delete_private_posts' => TRUE, 'edit_private_posts' => TRUE, 'read_private_posts' => TRUE, 'delete_private_pages' => TRUE, 'edit_private_pages' => TRUE, 'read_private_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_users' => TRUE, 'create_users' => TRUE, 'unfiltered_upload' => TRUE, 'edit_dashboard' => TRUE, 'update_plugins' => TRUE, 'delete_plugins' => TRUE, 'install_plugins' => TRUE, 'update_themes' => TRUE, 'install_themes' => TRUE, 'update_core' => TRUE, 'list_users' => TRUE, 'remove_users' => TRUE, 'promote_users' => TRUE, 'edit_theme_options' => TRUE, 'delete_themes' => TRUE, 'export' => TRUE, 'manage_woocommerce' => TRUE, 'view_woocommerce_reports' => TRUE, 'edit_product' => TRUE, 'read_product' => TRUE, 'delete_product' => TRUE, 'edit_products' => TRUE, 'edit_others_products' => TRUE, 'publish_products' => TRUE, 'read_private_products' => TRUE, 'delete_products' => TRUE, 'delete_private_products' => TRUE, 'delete_published_products' => TRUE, 'delete_others_products' => TRUE, 'edit_private_products' => TRUE, 'edit_published_products' => TRUE, 'manage_product_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_product_terms' => TRUE, 'delete_product_terms' => TRUE, 'assign_product_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_order' => TRUE, 'read_shop_order' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_order' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'edit_others_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'publish_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'read_private_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'delete_private_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'delete_published_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'delete_others_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'edit_private_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'edit_published_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'manage_shop_order_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_order_terms' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_order_terms' => TRUE, 'assign_shop_order_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_coupon' => TRUE, 'read_shop_coupon' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_coupon' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'edit_others_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'publish_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'read_private_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'delete_private_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'delete_published_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'delete_others_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'edit_private_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'edit_published_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'manage_shop_coupon_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_coupon_terms' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_coupon_terms' => TRUE, 'assign_shop_coupon_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_webhook' => TRUE, 'read_shop_webhook' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_webhook' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'edit_others_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'publish_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'read_private_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'delete_private_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'delete_published_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'delete_others_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'edit_private_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'edit_published_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'manage_shop_webhook_terms' => TRUE, ...], ...$args = variadic([0 => 'edit_others_posts'], [0 => 'edit_post', 1 => 689, 2 => class WP_Post { public $ID = 92882; public $post_author = '3'; public $post_date = '2023-04-04 11:36:22'; public $post_date_gmt = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; public $post_content = '<span style=" font-weight: 400;">While the embattled <a >High Times Holding Corp.</a> waits for its equally financially impaired lender <a >ExWorks to foreclose</a>, the cannabis media company is being sued for reneging on a domain name deal. Merlin Kauffman filed a lawsuit in Florida last week for a final default judgment against Trans High Corporation and High Times Holding Corp. </span>\n\n<span style="font'...; public $post_title = 'High Times Fails To Settlement In Deal'; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'draft'; public $comment_status = 'open'; public $ping_status = 'open'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = ''; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2023-04-04 11:36:22'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2023-04-04 15:36:22'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'post'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw' }], class WP_User { public $data = class stdClass { public $ID = '689'; public $user_login = 'devrandy'; public $user_pass = '$P$BP/yBSqcg.WNsT6SkGqq11PXvpdNXe1'; public $user_nicename = 'devrandy'; public $user_email = '[email protected]'; public $user_url = ''; public $user_registered = '2023-04-12 13:51:03'; public $user_activation_key = ''; public $user_status = '0'; public $display_name = 'devrandy' }; public $ID = 689; public $caps = ['administrator' => TRUE]; public $cap_key = 'wp_capabilities'; public $roles = [0 => 'administrator']; public $allcaps = ['switch_themes' => TRUE, 'edit_themes' => TRUE, 'activate_plugins' => TRUE, 'edit_plugins' => TRUE, 'edit_users' => TRUE, 'edit_files' => TRUE, 'manage_options' => TRUE, 'moderate_comments' => TRUE, 'manage_categories' => TRUE, 'manage_links' => TRUE, 'upload_files' => TRUE, 'import' => TRUE, 'unfiltered_html' => TRUE, 'edit_posts' => TRUE, 'edit_others_posts' => TRUE, 'edit_published_posts' => TRUE, 'publish_posts' => TRUE, 'edit_pages' => TRUE, 'read' => TRUE, 'level_10' => TRUE, 'level_9' => TRUE, 'level_8' => TRUE, 'level_7' => TRUE, 'level_6' => TRUE, 'level_5' => TRUE, 'level_4' => TRUE, 'level_3' => TRUE, 'level_2' => TRUE, 'level_1' => TRUE, 'level_0' => TRUE, 'edit_others_pages' => TRUE, 'edit_published_pages' => TRUE, 'publish_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_others_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_published_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_posts' => TRUE, 'delete_others_posts' => TRUE, 'delete_published_posts' => TRUE, 'delete_private_posts' => TRUE, 'edit_private_posts' => TRUE, 'read_private_posts' => TRUE, 'delete_private_pages' => TRUE, 'edit_private_pages' => TRUE, 'read_private_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_users' => TRUE, 'create_users' => TRUE, 'unfiltered_upload' => TRUE, 'edit_dashboard' => TRUE, 'update_plugins' => TRUE, 'delete_plugins' => TRUE, 'install_plugins' => TRUE, 'update_themes' => TRUE, 'install_themes' => TRUE, 'update_core' => TRUE, 'list_users' => TRUE, 'remove_users' => TRUE, 'promote_users' => TRUE, 'edit_theme_options' => TRUE, 'delete_themes' => TRUE, 'export' => TRUE, 'manage_woocommerce' => TRUE, 'view_woocommerce_reports' => TRUE, 'edit_product' => TRUE, 'read_product' => TRUE, 'delete_product' => TRUE, 'edit_products' => TRUE, 'edit_others_products' => TRUE, 'publish_products' => TRUE, 'read_private_products' => TRUE, 'delete_products' => TRUE, 'delete_private_products' => TRUE, 'delete_published_products' => TRUE, 'delete_others_products' => TRUE, 'edit_private_products' => TRUE, 'edit_published_products' => TRUE, 'manage_product_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_product_terms' => TRUE, 'delete_product_terms' => TRUE, 'assign_product_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_order' => TRUE, 'read_shop_order' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_order' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'edit_others_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'publish_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'read_private_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'delete_private_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'delete_published_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'delete_others_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'edit_private_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'edit_published_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'manage_shop_order_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_order_terms' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_order_terms' => TRUE, 'assign_shop_order_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_coupon' => TRUE, 'read_shop_coupon' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_coupon' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'edit_others_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'publish_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'read_private_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'delete_private_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'delete_published_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'delete_others_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'edit_private_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'edit_published_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'manage_shop_coupon_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_coupon_terms' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_coupon_terms' => TRUE, 'assign_shop_coupon_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_webhook' => TRUE, 'read_shop_webhook' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_webhook' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'edit_others_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'publish_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'read_private_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'delete_private_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'delete_published_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'delete_others_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'edit_private_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'edit_published_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'manage_shop_webhook_terms' => TRUE, ...]; public $filter = NULL; private $site_id = 1 })) /var/www/html/wp-includes/class-wp-user.php:808 [01-Feb-2024 15:44:07 UTC] PHP 12. WP_Hook->apply_filters($value = ['switch_themes' => TRUE, 'edit_themes' => TRUE, 'activate_plugins' => TRUE, 'edit_plugins' => TRUE, 'edit_users' => TRUE, 'edit_files' => TRUE, 'manage_options' => TRUE, 'moderate_comments' => TRUE, 'manage_categories' => TRUE, 'manage_links' => TRUE, 'upload_files' => TRUE, 'import' => TRUE, 'unfiltered_html' => TRUE, 'edit_posts' => TRUE, 'edit_others_posts' => TRUE, 'edit_published_posts' => TRUE, 'publish_posts' => TRUE, 'edit_pages' => TRUE, 'read' => TRUE, 'level_10' => TRUE, 'level_9' => TRUE, 'level_8' => TRUE, 'level_7' => TRUE, 'level_6' => TRUE, 'level_5' => TRUE, 'level_4' => TRUE, 'level_3' => TRUE, 'level_2' => TRUE, 'level_1' => TRUE, 'level_0' => TRUE, 'edit_others_pages' => TRUE, 'edit_published_pages' => TRUE, 'publish_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_others_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_published_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_posts' => TRUE, 'delete_others_posts' => TRUE, 'delete_published_posts' => TRUE, 'delete_private_posts' => TRUE, 'edit_private_posts' => TRUE, 'read_private_posts' => TRUE, 'delete_private_pages' => TRUE, 'edit_private_pages' => TRUE, 'read_private_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_users' => TRUE, 'create_users' => TRUE, 'unfiltered_upload' => TRUE, 'edit_dashboard' => TRUE, 'update_plugins' => TRUE, 'delete_plugins' => TRUE, 'install_plugins' => TRUE, 'update_themes' => TRUE, 'install_themes' => TRUE, 'update_core' => TRUE, 'list_users' => TRUE, 'remove_users' => TRUE, 'promote_users' => TRUE, 'edit_theme_options' => TRUE, 'delete_themes' => TRUE, 'export' => TRUE, 'manage_woocommerce' => TRUE, 'view_woocommerce_reports' => TRUE, 'edit_product' => TRUE, 'read_product' => TRUE, 'delete_product' => TRUE, 'edit_products' => TRUE, 'edit_others_products' => TRUE, 'publish_products' => TRUE, 'read_private_products' => TRUE, 'delete_products' => TRUE, 'delete_private_products' => TRUE, 'delete_published_products' => TRUE, 'delete_others_products' => TRUE, 'edit_private_products' => TRUE, 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'read_shop_order' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_order' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'edit_others_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'publish_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'read_private_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'delete_private_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'delete_published_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'delete_others_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'edit_private_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'edit_published_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'manage_shop_order_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_order_terms' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_order_terms' => TRUE, 'assign_shop_order_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_coupon' => TRUE, 'read_shop_coupon' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_coupon' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'edit_others_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'publish_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'read_private_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'delete_private_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'delete_published_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'delete_others_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'edit_private_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'edit_published_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'manage_shop_coupon_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_coupon_terms' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_coupon_terms' => TRUE, 'assign_shop_coupon_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_webhook' => TRUE, 'read_shop_webhook' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_webhook' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'edit_others_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'publish_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'read_private_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'delete_private_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'delete_published_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'delete_others_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'edit_private_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'edit_published_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'manage_shop_webhook_terms' => TRUE, ...], 1 => [0 => 'edit_others_posts'], 2 => [0 => 'edit_post', 1 => 689, 2 => class WP_Post { ... }], 3 => class WP_User { public $data = class stdClass { ... }; public $ID = 689; public $caps = [...]; public $cap_key = 'wp_capabilities'; public $roles = [...]; public $allcaps = [...]; public $filter = NULL; private $site_id = 1 }]) /var/www/html/wp-includes/plugin.php:205 [01-Feb-2024 15:44:07 UTC] PHP 13. CoAuthors_Plus->filter_user_has_cap($allcaps = ['switch_themes' => TRUE, 'edit_themes' => TRUE, 'activate_plugins' => TRUE, 'edit_plugins' => TRUE, 'edit_users' => TRUE, 'edit_files' => TRUE, 'manage_options' => TRUE, 'moderate_comments' => TRUE, 'manage_categories' => TRUE, 'manage_links' => TRUE, 'upload_files' => TRUE, 'import' => TRUE, 'unfiltered_html' => TRUE, 'edit_posts' => TRUE, 'edit_others_posts' => TRUE, 'edit_published_posts' => TRUE, 'publish_posts' => TRUE, 'edit_pages' => TRUE, 'read' => TRUE, 'level_10' => TRUE, 'level_9' => TRUE, 'level_8' => TRUE, 'level_7' => TRUE, 'level_6' => TRUE, 'level_5' => TRUE, 'level_4' => TRUE, 'level_3' => TRUE, 'level_2' => TRUE, 'level_1' => TRUE, 'level_0' => TRUE, 'edit_others_pages' => TRUE, 'edit_published_pages' => TRUE, 'publish_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_others_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_published_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_posts' => TRUE, 'delete_others_posts' => TRUE, 'delete_published_posts' => TRUE, 'delete_private_posts' => TRUE, 'edit_private_posts' => TRUE, 'read_private_posts' => TRUE, 'delete_private_pages' => TRUE, 'edit_private_pages' => TRUE, 'read_private_pages' => TRUE, 'delete_users' => TRUE, 'create_users' => TRUE, 'unfiltered_upload' => TRUE, 'edit_dashboard' => TRUE, 'update_plugins' => TRUE, 'delete_plugins' => TRUE, 'install_plugins' => TRUE, 'update_themes' => TRUE, 'install_themes' => TRUE, 'update_core' => TRUE, 'list_users' => TRUE, 'remove_users' => TRUE, 'promote_users' => TRUE, 'edit_theme_options' => TRUE, 'delete_themes' => TRUE, 'export' => TRUE, 'manage_woocommerce' => TRUE, 'view_woocommerce_reports' => TRUE, 'edit_product' => TRUE, 'read_product' => TRUE, 'delete_product' => TRUE, 'edit_products' => TRUE, 'edit_others_products' => TRUE, 'publish_products' => TRUE, 'read_private_products' => TRUE, 'delete_products' => TRUE, 'delete_private_products' => TRUE, 'delete_published_products' => TRUE, 'delete_others_products' => TRUE, 'edit_private_products' => TRUE, 'edit_published_products' => TRUE, 'manage_product_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_product_terms' => TRUE, 'delete_product_terms' => TRUE, 'assign_product_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_order' => TRUE, 'read_shop_order' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_order' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'edit_others_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'publish_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'read_private_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'delete_private_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'delete_published_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'delete_others_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'edit_private_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'edit_published_shop_orders' => TRUE, 'manage_shop_order_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_order_terms' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_order_terms' => TRUE, 'assign_shop_order_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_coupon' => TRUE, 'read_shop_coupon' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_coupon' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'edit_others_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'publish_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'read_private_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'delete_private_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'delete_published_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'delete_others_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'edit_private_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'edit_published_shop_coupons' => TRUE, 'manage_shop_coupon_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_coupon_terms' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_coupon_terms' => TRUE, 'assign_shop_coupon_terms' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_webhook' => TRUE, 'read_shop_webhook' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_webhook' => TRUE, 'edit_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'edit_others_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'publish_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'read_private_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'delete_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'delete_private_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'delete_published_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'delete_others_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'edit_private_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'edit_published_shop_webhooks' => TRUE, 'manage_shop_webhook_terms' => TRUE, ...], $caps = [0 => 'edit_others_posts'], $args = [0 => 'edit_post', 1 => 689, 2 => class WP_Post { public $ID = 92882; public $post_author = '3'; public $post_date = '2023-04-04 11:36:22'; public $post_date_gmt = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; public $post_content = '<span style=" font-weight: 400;">While the embattled <a >High Times Holding Corp.</a> waits for its equally financially impaired lender <a >ExWorks to foreclose</a>, the cannabis media company is being sued for reneging on a domain name deal. Merlin Kauffman filed a lawsuit in Florida last week for a final default judgment against Trans High Corporation and High Times Holding Corp. </span>\n\n<span style="font'...; public $post_title = 'High Times Fails To Settlement In Deal'; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'draft'; public $comment_status = 'open'; public $ping_status = 'open'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = ''; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2023-04-04 11:36:22'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2023-04-04 15:36:22'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'post'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw' }]) /var/www/html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:326 [01-Feb-2024 15:44:07 UTC] PHP 14. is_coauthor_for_post($user = 689, $post_id = class WP_Post { public $ID = 92882; public $post_author = '3'; public $post_date = '2023-04-04 11:36:22'; public $post_date_gmt = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; public $post_content = '<span style=" font-weight: 400;">While the embattled <a >High Times Holding Corp.</a> waits for its equally financially impaired lender <a >ExWorks to foreclose</a>, the cannabis media company is being sued for reneging on a domain name deal. Merlin Kauffman filed a lawsuit in Florida last week for a final default judgment against Trans High Corporation and High Times Holding Corp. </span>\n\n<span style="font'...; public $post_title = 'High Times Fails To Settlement In Deal'; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'draft'; public $comment_status = 'open'; public $ping_status = 'open'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = ''; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2023-04-04 11:36:22'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2023-04-04 15:36:22'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'post'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw' }) /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/co-authors-plus/co-authors-plus.php:1542 [01-Feb-2024 15:44:07 UTC] PHP 15. get_coauthors($post_id = class WP_Post { public $ID = 92882; public $post_author = '3'; public $post_date = '2023-04-04 11:36:22'; public $post_date_gmt = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; public $post_content = '<span style=" font-weight: 400;">While the embattled <a >High Times Holding Corp.</a> waits for its equally financially impaired lender <a >ExWorks to foreclose</a>, the cannabis media company is being sued for reneging on a domain name deal. Merlin Kauffman filed a lawsuit in Florida last week for a final default judgment against Trans High Corporation and High Times Holding Corp. </span>\n\n<span style="font'...; public $post_title = 'High Times Fails To Settlement In Deal'; public $post_excerpt = ''; public $post_status = 'draft'; public $comment_status = 'open'; public $ping_status = 'open'; public $post_password = ''; public $post_name = ''; public $to_ping = ''; public $pinged = ''; public $post_modified = '2023-04-04 11:36:22'; public $post_modified_gmt = '2023-04-04 15:36:22'; public $post_content_filtered = ''; public $post_parent = 0; public $guid = ''; public $menu_order = 0; public $post_type = 'post'; public $post_mime_type = ''; public $comment_count = '0'; public $filter = 'raw' }) /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/co-authors-plus/template-tags.php:65
- The topic ‘PHP Warning: Object of class WP_Post could not be converted to int’ is closed to new replies.