PHP Warning : fopen()
Hello hellodev,
I use the pro version of Woo Billing with invoiceXpress.
I am a French who settled in Portugal and I discovered the SAFT-InvoiceXpress system.
After a bad experience with the plugin Widgilabs I migrated to your plugin that I find most effective and complete.
But I have these messages in the log file. What should I do about it?PHP Warning: fopen(): https:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /home/clients/c83796301e9b30dea2e118bc9529c641/web/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-billing-invoicexpress/src/BaseController.php on line 67
PHP Warning: fopen( failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/clients/c83796301e9b30dea2e118bc9529c641/web/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-billing-invoicexpress/src/BaseController.php on line 67
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