• Resolved vinnymickey


    Just curious, I been working on PHP version 7.4 for awhile with no issues with a website that even runs forum software. This last update triggered a PHP version error stating, I need to upgrade my PHP version.

    Pros and Cons of not doing this now?


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  • Plugin Author Marcin Pietrzak


    Just curious, I been working on PHP version 7.4 for awhile with no issues with a website that even runs forum software. This last update triggered a PHP version error stating, I need to upgrade my PHP version.



    Thank you for this question.

    I just closed my last server with PHP 7.4 and I do not have place to test. I suppose my plugin should work well with 7.x but… 

    74. is an outdated and not supported version.

    Truly speaking, we should use at least 8.1 because 8.0 is not supported. 

    Read more about PHP supported versions: https://www.php.net/supported-versions.php


    Thread Starter vinnymickey


    Thanks upgraded to 8.1 all good ….

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