• Resolved Mike444


    I have greated a custom field for link, but cant get it connected with button shortcode.
    I need to replace https:// with php code or shortcode or somehow, but dont know how.

    i have these wich both pull the custom field value.

    <?php the_field('link'); ?>
    [php function=1]

    This is where link has to be.
    [av_button label='Click me' link='manually,https://' link_target='' size='small']

    Any ideas?

    [ No bumping please. ]

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  • I am having some trouble interpreting what you need.

    a) You have a button which is created by a shortcode called “av_button”
    arguments to this shortcode include its size, text label and destination link.
    b) The link mentioned above is not a fixed piece of text, but rather is something you calculate, and you have a shortcode that can do the calculation.
    c) The button code does not expand shortcodes in the link argument.

    Is this correct ? If it is then I offer the following observations and some possible solutions.

    I am refering to parts of:

    In the section “Square Brackets” I am told “The shortcode parser does not accept square brackets within attributes”, as a result half of my solutions are gone.

    Leaving me with:
    A) Evade the problem with square brackets in attribute by coding ~( for [ and ~) for ], then define a shortcode I will call rescan. So now your function would be:

    [rescan][av_button label=’Click me’ link=’manually,~(linkcode~)’ link_target=” size=’small’][/rescan]

    rescan substitutes ~( for [ and ~) for ] and then calls do_shortcode()
    linkcodes calls the_field(‘link’);


    B) Use javascript, have the button call a javascript function, have that function do the re-direction to the target page. This evades having to nest shortcodes. The shortcode for the link is called when the javascript function is being defined inline.


    C) Have the button go to a page which is implemented using a custom page template. This php file calculates which page it needs to redirect to.

    What do you think ?

    Thread Starter Mike444


    a) yes right
    b) link is a custom field in post adding page where i insert different link for each post. And both of these will call the link

    [php function=1]
    <?php the_field('link'); ?>

    b) nope.

    I wanted it like this but it wont work
    [av_button label='Click me' link='manually,[php function=1]' link_target='' size='small']
    “The shortcode parser does not accept square brackets within attributes”

    This needs some extra coding ? Im kind of noob.
    [rescan][av_button label='Click me' link='manually,~(linkcode~)' link_target='' size='small'][/rescan]

    So your text becomes as you expected:

    [rescan][av_button label=’Click me’ link=’manually,~(php function=1~)’ link_target=” size=’small’][/rescan]`

    Note the tilde ~ left/right round bracket code

    Now in your functions.php you need:

    function rescan_shortcode( $atts, $content = null ) {
    $v = do_shortcode($content);
    $v = str_replace(‘~(‘,'[‘,$v);
    $v = str_replace(‘~)’,’]’,$v);
    return do_shortcode($v);
    add_shortcode( ‘rescan’, ‘rescan_shortcode’ );

    The first call on do_shortcode will activate av_button, then we uncover the concealed shortcode in the button link.
    The 2nd do_shortcode finds your shortcode which pulls the custom field value.

    Thread Starter Mike444


    Thanks man, great job.
    Couldnt done this without you.

    If it is appropriate could you mark the thread as resolved.

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