• First of all, thank you so much for developing this plugin. It works wonderfully, and after spending 7 hours researching why SSH2 was failing on my chroot’d site, I was needless to say relieved to find your plugin.

    With WP_DEBUG turned on, I noticed a lot of notices coming up when installing a plugin, so I thought I’d let you know.

    PHP Notice:  Array to string conversion in /var/www/csurs11.csr.uky.edu/web/content/wp-content/plugins/ssh-sftp-updater-support/class-wp-filesystem-ssh2.php on line 316
    PHP Notice:  Array to string conversion in /var/www/csurs11.csr.uky.edu/web/content/wp-content/plugins/ssh-sftp-updater-support/class-wp-filesystem-ssh2.php on line 317


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