• Resolved nachtigall


    In my log I get these messages on each request:

    PHP Notice: Constant WP_DEBUG already defined in /var/www/xxx/htdocs/wp-config.php on line 79

    Seems to be caused by this plugin. Commenting out the definition in wp-content/plugins/shariff/backend/index.php solves this notice:

    // define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );

    Can this be fixed?


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  • Plugin Author Jan-Peter


    There is a fix in the next release that takes care of the underlying issue. The backend (share counts) do not work, if WP_DEBUG is enabled. Setting WP_DEBUG to false will solve this issue. In order to still be able to test installations with a working backend the above line was set, causing a PHP notice, but that was better than a not working backend on test installations. WP_DEBUG should never be enabled on live systems.

    But like I said, I solved the original problem therefore the need for this is no longer present. The next release 2.4.0 will probably releases on Monday.


    Thread Starter nachtigall


    yep, just have it within an if check:

    // in pseudo code
    if WP_DEBUG is enabled:
     disable WP_DEBUG

    anyway, thanks for fixing ??

    Plugin Author Jan-Peter


    Well, that would only prevent the PHP notice, but the share counts wouldn’t work anymore as long as WP_DEBUG is true and therefore would make it hard to test anything with it. Like I said, the PHP notice was the smaller evil at this point. Anyways, will be all good on Monday. ??

    Thread Starter nachtigall


    the share counts wouldn’t work anymore as long as WP_DEBUG is true

    Then you would just check for this ??

    if ( defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) && WP_DEBUG == true ) {
        // set to false
    Plugin Author 3UU


    This suggestion is funny! Okay – sorry – only from programers point of view. WP_DEBUG is a so called constant. You can not change it later in a program. If you do it – you will get an error ??

    I have released 2.4.0 some minutes ago. It do no longer need the constant.

    I’m a “new” beginner to WP. Working with weaver II. Was setting up site (it was up-loaded, I could link to it on web) and was working on the parent-child functions.php and style.css files (following and inputting what I gleaned from WP Beginners site). I uploaded the weaver-ii-child folder and then got white screen of death (wsd). Removed the file but still wsd. On a help site I found and inserted (into the wp-config.php file an “error” reporting code and then on the wsd got this:
    Notice: Constant WP_DEBUG already defined in /homepages/17/d272894331/htdocs/clickandbuilds/WordPress/MyWordPress/wp-config.php on line 76

    Notice: Use of undefined constant RSHCP_DEBUG – assumed ‘RSHCP_DEBUG’ in /homepages/17/d272894331/htdocs/clickandbuilds/WordPress/MyWordPress/wp-content/plugins/rs-head-cleaner-lite/rs-head-cleaner-lite.php on line 104

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘}’ in /homepages/17/d272894331/htdocs/clickandbuilds/WordPress/MyWordPress/wp-content/themes/weaver-ii/functions.php on line 14

    Please, what do I do with this information?

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