With a (very) quick search in the plugins repoistory, this one looks good:
But there’s a lot more options:
]]>Your code is not going to help, mainly because you’ve got in in a screenshot, so we can’t copy it to try and debug it. For next time, plain text works better. ??
This case calls for some basic PHP debugging, and I can see where there’s some issues with the tutorial. I’d start with something like this to see what you’re working with, and how it’s being processed:
function php_execute( $html ){
// Debugging...
echo "<p>Debugging 1: '".$html."'</p>";
if( strpos( $html, "<"."?php" )!==false ){
ob_start ();
eval( "?".">".$html );
$html = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
} // if ()
// Debugging...
echo "<p>Debugging 2: '".$html."'</p>";
return $html;
} // php_execute ()
That will show you what is, or isn’t, happening with the code. From there you can work into it and see why it’s having an issue.
]]>… But back to the problem. I tried some basic php echoes even before, pretty much just like you proposed – at the start and end of the function. On the site it shows:
Debugging 1: ‘<?php show_ad(1); ?>’
Debugging 2: ‘<?php show_ad(1); ?>’
<?php show_ad(1); ?>
So the function obviously receives the input html string, but fails to process it. I tried to dig deeper:
function php_execute( $html ){
// Debugging...
echo "<p>Debugging 1: '".$html."'</p>";
// There seems to be a problem here...
echo "<p>Debugging 2: '".strpos( $html, "<"."?php" )."'</p>";
if( strpos( $html, "<"."?php" ) !== false ) {
echo "<p>Debugging 3: Condition Entered. </p>";
ob_start ();
eval( "?".">".$html );
$html = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
} // if ()
// Debugging...
echo "<p>Debugging 4: '".$html."'</p>";
return $html;
} // php_execute ()
On site:
Debugging 1: ‘<?php show_ad(1); ?>’
Debugging 2: ”
Debugging 4: ‘<?php show_ad(1); ?>’
<?php show_ad(1); ?
As you can see, the Debugging 3 line is missing, therefore the function does not enter the condition… Thats why I echoed the result of the strpos() before the condition in “Debuggin 2” and it returns an empty string… So it seems that function is not working as expected and is probably interpreted as false. I am not that skilled in php, but I know some programming languages tend to do this…
Any ideas? Thanks again for help. ]]>
What’s happening there is that the widget is turning the ‘<?php’ into HTML-safe characters of ‘<’?php’ before it gets sent to your function. That’s pretty standard security stuff, so to be expected.
What I’d do is to convert it to “pure” text so that you can see if the ‘<?php’ is there. If it is, process it, and if not, convert it back so it is as expected. Something like this (not tested, so see how it goes):
function php_execute( $html ){
$coverted_html = html_entity_decode( $html );
// Debugging...
echo "<p>Debugging 1: '".$html."'</p>";
// There seems to be a problem here...
echo "<p>Debugging 2: '".strpos( $html, "<"."?php" )."'</p>";
if( strpos( $converted_html, "<"."?php" ) !== false ) {
echo "<p>Debugging 3: Condition Entered. </p>";
ob_start ();
eval( "?".">".$converted_html );
$html = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
} // if ()
else {
$html = htmlentities( $coverted_html);
} // else
// Debugging...
echo "<p>Debugging 4: '".$html."'</p>";
return $html;
} // php_execute ()