Hi @paaljoachim @campbellduke @andy_woz
If you have error logged PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class AIOS_Firewall_Resource_Unavailable it will solve the isssue.
if (class_exists('AIOS_Firewall_Resource_Unavailable')) return;
If the logged error is above it had another issue for the
PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class AIOS_Firewall_Resource, because the name is already in use in …\wp-content\plugins\all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall\classes\wp-security-firewall-resource.php on line 9
In above file similarly needs to be added.
if (class_exists('AIOS_Firewall_Resource')) return;
We can replicate a similar issue if the site is copied from another site on the same server.
The parent folder is the main site and the child site is staging ro similar site.
It might be also somehow the as auto_prepent firewall loader getting added of another site.