• Resolved chrisbotkins


    As of last week (July 22, 2022) we started noticing PHP Fatal Errors in our log files related to the USPS Simple Shipping plugin. Here is the error it’s throwing:

    PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught TypeError: Argument 2 passed to Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc::buildExtPackageId() must be of the type int, float given, called in /home/weatherby/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-usps-simple-shipping/src/Calc.php on line 117 and defined in /home/weatherby/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-usps-simple-shipping/src/Calc.php:286
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/weatherby/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-usps-simple-shipping/src/Calc.php(117): Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc::buildExtPackageId('c727a25d42cf3a6...', 1, Object(Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Dim), 10.99997794544)
    #1 /home/weatherby/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-usps-simple-shipping/src/Calc.php(48): Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc::buildSubRequests(Object(Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Package), true, false)
    #2 /home/weatherby/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-usps-simple-shipping/src/ShippingMethod.php(199): Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc->calc(Object(Dgm\UspsSimple\Calc\Request), Object(Dgm\UspsSimple\Debug))
    #3 /home/weatherby/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-usps-simple-shipping/src/ShippingMethod.p in /home/weatherby/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-usps-simple-shipping/src/Calc.php on line 286

    We are running Version 1.7.0 of the plugin.

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  • Thread Starter chrisbotkins


    Here are the USPS debug details from the cart page:

    array (
      'error' => 'API reports an error. Data: {
        "response": "<?xml version=\\"1.0\\" encoding=\\"UTF-8\\"?>\\n<Error><Number>-2147219099</Number><Source>clsRateV4:UnpackRateNode</Source><Description>Missing value for ZipDestination.</Description><HelpFile/><HelpContext/></Error>\\n"
      'rates' => NULL,
      'settings' => 
      array (
        'props' => 
        array (
          'sender' => '82801',
          'commercialRates' => true,
          'groupByWeight' => true,
          'apiEndpoint' => 'https://secure.shippingapis.com/ShippingAPI.dll',
          'apiUserId' => '169WEATH1625',
          'supports' => 
          array (
            0 => 'settings',
          'id' => 'usps_simple',
          'method_title' => 'USPS Simple',
          'method_description' => 'Shows live USPS domestic rates on checkout',
          'enabled' => 'yes',
          'title' => 'USPS Simple',
          'rates' => 
          array (
          'tax_status' => 'taxable',
          'fee' => NULL,
          'minimum_fee' => NULL,
          'instance_id' => 0,
          'instance_form_fields' => 
          array (
          'instance_settings' => 
          array (
          'availability' => NULL,
          'countries' => 
          array (
          'plugin_id' => 'woocommerce_',
          'errors' => 
          array (
          'data' => 
          array (
        'settings' => 
        array (
          'enabled' => 'yes',
          'sender' => '82801',
          'user_id' => '169WEATH1625',
          'commercial_rate' => 'yes',
          'group_by_weight' => 'yes',
          'express_mail' => '',
          't_express_mail' => '',
          'express_mail_3' => 'no',
          'express_mail_2' => 'no',
          'express_mail_23' => 'no',
          'priority_mail' => '',
          't_priority_mail' => 'Priority Mail (USPS)',
          'priority_mail_1' => 'yes',
          'priority_mail_33' => 'no',
          'priority_mail_18' => 'no',
          'priority_mail_47' => 'no',
          'priority_mail_48' => 'no',
          'priority_mail_49' => 'no',
          'priority_mail_50' => 'no',
          'first_class_mail' => '',
          't_first_class' => 'First-Class Mail (USPS)',
          'first_class_0A' => 'no',
          'first_class_0B' => 'no',
          'first_class_0C' => 'no',
          'first_class_0D' => 'no',
          'first_class_12' => 'no',
          'first_class_15' => 'no',
          'first_class_19' => 'no',
          'first_class_61' => 'no',
          'first_class_53' => 'no',
          'first_class_78' => 'no',
          'standard_post' => '',
          't_standard_post' => '',
          'standard_post_4' => 'no',
          'media_mail' => '',
          't_media_mail' => '',
          'media_mail_6' => 'no',
          'library_mail' => '',
          't_library_mail' => '',
          'library_mail_7' => 'no',
      'package' => 
      array (
        'contents' => 
        array (
          '4b1905cff5bc8b47ae1c9d92e2c759df' => 
          array (
            'key' => '4b1905cff5bc8b47ae1c9d92e2c759df',
            'product_id' => 31562,
            'variation_id' => 0,
            'variation' => 
            array (
            'quantity' => 1,
            'data_hash' => 'b5c1d5ca8bae6d4896cf1807cdf763f0',
            'line_tax_data' => 
            array (
              'subtotal' => 
              array (
              'total' => 
              array (
            'line_subtotal' => 54.0,
            'line_subtotal_tax' => 0,
            'line_total' => 54.0,
            'line_tax' => 0,
            'product' => 
            array (
              'name' => '7mm Weatherby Magnum Hornady',
              'slug' => '7mm-weatherby-magnum-hornady',
              'price' => '54.00',
              'regular_price' => '69.00',
              'sale_price' => '54.00',
              'weight' => '48 oz',
              'weight_lbs' => 2.9999939851199997,
              'dimensions' => '8 x 8 x 5 in',
              'dimensions_in' => '8 x 8 x 5',
        'contents_cost' => 54.0,
        'applied_coupons' => 
        array (
        'user' => 
        array (
          'ID' => 0,
        'destination' => 
        array (
          'country' => 'US',
          'state' => '',
          'postcode' => '',
          'city' => '',
          'address' => '',
          'address_1' => '',
          'address_2' => '',
        'cart_subtotal' => '54',
        'csp_variables' => 
        array (
          'billing_email' => '',
          'billing_country' => 'US___202272510',
        'rates' => 
        array (
      'requests' => 
         'online' => NULL,
         'standard' => NULL,
      'request' => 
         'apiUserId' => '169WEATH1625',
         'package' => 
           'orig' => 
             'countryCode' => 'US',
             'zipCode' => '82801',
           'dest' => 
             'countryCode' => 'US',
             'zipCode' => '',
           'items' => 
          array (
            '4b1905cff5bc8b47ae1c9d92e2c759df' => 
               'product' => 
                 'weight' => 2.9999939851199997,
                 'dim' => 
                   'length' => 8.0,
                   'width' => 8.0,
                   'height' => 5.0,
               'quantity' => 1,
         'services' => 
           'retailGroundEnabled' => false,
           'serviceMatchersByCode' => 
          array (
            1 => 
            array (
              0 => 
                 'service' => 
                   'family' => 
                     'id' => 'priority_mail',
                     'title' => 'Priority Mail (USPS)',
                     'sort' => 1,
                   'fitFn' => NULL,
         'groupByWeight' => true,
         'commercialRates' => true,
      'responses' => 
         'online' => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Description>Missing value for ZipDestination.</Description>
         'standard' => NULL,
      'combinedResponse' => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Description>Missing value for ZipDestination.</Description>
    Plugin Author Dan


    Thank you for the details.

    Could you check if 1.7.1 works for you?

    Thread Starter chrisbotkins


    I just updated, I’ll keep an eye on the logs and let you know. Thank you for hopping on this so quickly!

    Thread Starter chrisbotkins


    This looks to be all resolved and fixed with the update.

    Thank you again for all your help and jumping on this quickly. I really appreciate it.

    Plugin Author Dan


    Great! Thank you.

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