Actually, it is supported. Documentation lacks little bit behind.
add_filter( 'cachify_redis_servers', function( $server ) {
// default: $server = [ 'localhost ']
return [
'', // host/ip/path (required)
6379, // port 6379 by default, -1 for socket
2.0, // timeout in seconds
null, // unused
0, // retry interval in milliseconds
3.0, // read timeout in seconds
[ 'auth' => [ 'username', 'password' ] ]
} );
Supporeted since PHPRedis 5.3, see
BUT: apparently there’s a bug in v2.4.0, so the last parameter is rejected.
Validation is also limited to PHPRedis 5.x syntax, not 6.x…
We will fix this in 2.4.1. (issue #315 (GitHub))
… and probably also should improve error handling, so it does fail gracefully with an admin notice instead of passing the PHP error. (#316)