• The following error produces PHP warnings in debug mode:

    file: gotowp_personal.php
    function: gotowp_has_shortcode
    line: 891

    This code can be called on pages without $post content, such as 404 pages which have sidebars that use post data. As such, line 891:

    if( has_shortcode( $post->post_content, $shortcode) )

    will create a notice for the missing object $post.

    fix: Add this code after line 888:

    if ( empty($post) ) return $found;

    In addition, it looks like the custom function you include at line 908, gotowp_custom_has_shortcode is missing the parameter in the function declaration:

    function gotowp_custom_has_shortcode(){

    Should be:

    function gotowp_custom_has_shortcode( $shortcode ){


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