PHP Error-action_scheduler_run_queue
Since we updated to WP 6.1.1 we are getting this cron event appearing as an error in our PHP Error Log on the Dashboard [we are using Error Log Monitor to display in the Dashboard]:
Cron reschedule event error for hook: action_scheduler_run_queue, Error code: could_not_set, Error message: The cron event list could not be saved., Data: {“schedule”:”every_minute”,”args”:[“WP Cron”],”interval”:60}This has never appeared in the PHP Error Log before. The cron event is set to run every 1 minute but the error only appears in the Log every few days. It doesn’t appear in the Log if I run it manually using WP Crontrol.
Any idea why this is happening? I can set Error Log Monitor to ignore the error so it doesn’t appear in the Dashboard, but is this a good idea?
Many thanks
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