PHP 8+ problems
Hi, On my website the plugin Ultimate Member doesn’t work on PHP 8+, is this a known issue?
UM is the only plugin that’s causing the fatal error.
You can find the siteinfo dump below if it helps. I had changed it back to 7.4 to make report from siteinfo (it too was crashing).
Hope to receive some info. Thanks
` wp-core version: 6.4.2 site_language: nl_NL user_language: nl_NL timezone: Europe/Amsterdam permalink: /%postname%/ https_status: true multisite: false user_registration: 0 blog_public: 1 default_comment_status: undefined environment_type: production user_count: 22 dotorg_communication: true wp-paths-sizes wordpress_path: /home/***/domains/***.nl/public_html wordpress_size: 551,55 MB (578336973 bytes) uploads_path: /home/***/domains/***.nl/public_html/wp-content/uploads uploads_size: 109,68 MB (115009441 bytes) themes_path: /home/***/domains/***.nl/public_html/wp-content/themes themes_size: 11,96 MB (12546137 bytes) plugins_path: /home/***/domains/***.nl/public_html/wp-content/plugins plugins_size: 87,50 MB (91752583 bytes) database_size: 16,94 MB (17760256 bytes) total_size: 777,63 MB (815405390 bytes) wp-dropins (1) advanced-cache.php: true wp-active-theme name: Kalium - Education Theme (kalium-child-education) version: 1.0 author: Laborator author_website: parent_theme: Kalium (kalium) theme_features: core-block-patterns, widgets-block-editor, html5, automatic-feed-links, post-thumbnails, featured-image, post-formats, title-tag, menus, widgets theme_path: /home/***/domains/***.nl/public_html/wp-content/themes/kalium-child-education wp-parent-theme name: Kalium (kalium) version: 3.11.2 author: Laborator author_website: theme_path: /home/***/domains/***.nl/public_html/wp-content/themes/kalium wp-themes-inactive (1) Twenty Twenty-Four: version: 1.0, author: the WordPress team wp-mu-plugins (1) WordPress automation by Installatron: author: (undefined), version: (undefined) wp-plugins-active (19) Advanced Custom Fields PRO: version: 6.2.4, author: WP Engine All-in-One WP Migration: version: 7.79, author: ServMask All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension: version: 2.54, author: ServMask Classic Editor: version: 1.6.3, author: WordPress Contributors Classic Widgets: version: 0.3, author: WordPress Contributors Code Snippets: version: 3.6.2, author: Code Snippets Pro Duplicate Page: version: 4.5.3, author: mndpsingh287 FluentSMTP: version: 2.2.6, author: FluentSMTP & WPManageNinja Team Manage Notification E-mails: version: 1.8.6, author: Virgial Berveling Portfolio Post Type: version: 1.0.1, author: Devin Price Regenerate Thumbnails: version: 3.1.6, author: Alex Mills (Viper007Bond) Restrict User Access: version: 2.4.3, author: Joachim Jensen - DEV Institute Slider Revolution: version: 6.6.19, author: ThemePunch Ultimate Member: version: 2.7.0, author: Ultimate Member Ultimate Member - reCAPTCHA: version: 2.3.4, author: Ultimate Member User Role Editor: version: 4.64.1, author: Vladimir Garagulya WPBakery Page Builder: version: 7.2, author: Michael M - WP Carousel: version: 2.5.10, author: ShapedPlugin LLC WP Super Cache: version: 1.11.0, author: Automattic code-snippets (1) snippet-5: name: Ledeninformatie zijkant, scope: content, modified: 2023-10-26 18:26:34 wp-media image_editor: WP_Image_Editor_GD imagick_module_version: Niet beschikbaar imagemagick_version: Niet beschikbaar imagick_version: Niet beschikbaar file_uploads: 1 post_max_size: 32M upload_max_filesize: 32M max_effective_size: 32 MB max_file_uploads: 20 gd_version: 2.3.3 gd_formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG, WebP, BMP, XPM ghostscript_version: unknown wp-server server_architecture: Linux 4.18.0-305.17.1.lve.el8.x86_64 x86_64 httpd_software: Apache php_version: 7.4.33 64bit php_sapi: litespeed max_input_variables: 3000 time_limit: 60 memory_limit: 256M max_input_time: 60 upload_max_filesize: 32M php_post_max_size: 32M curl_version: 7.87.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1w suhosin: false imagick_availability: false pretty_permalinks: true htaccess_extra_rules: true current: 2023-12-08T13:05:09+00:00 utc-time: Friday, 08-Dec-23 13:05:09 UTC server-time: 2023-12-08T14:05:08+01:00 wp-database extension: mysqli server_version: 10.6.15-MariaDB-cll-lve-log client_version: mysqlnd 7.4.33 max_allowed_packet: 25165824 max_connections: 500 wp-constants WP_HOME: undefined WP_SITEURL: undefined WP_CONTENT_DIR: /home/***/domains/***.nl/public_html/wp-content WP_PLUGIN_DIR: /home/***/domains/***.nl/public_html/wp-content/plugins WP_MEMORY_LIMIT: 40M WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT: 256M WP_DEBUG: false WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY: true WP_DEBUG_LOG: false SCRIPT_DEBUG: false WP_CACHE: true CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS: undefined COMPRESS_SCRIPTS: undefined COMPRESS_CSS: undefined WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE: Ongedefinieerd WP_DEVELOPMENT_MODE: undefined DB_CHARSET: utf8 DB_COLLATE: undefined wp-filesystem wordpress: writable wp-content: writable uploads: writable plugins: writable themes: writable mu-plugins: writable ultimate-member um-pages: Gebruiker: Gebruiker (ID#5036) | https://***.nl/user/ Inloggen: Inloggen (ID#5037) | https://***.nl/inloggen/ Registreren: Registreren (ID#5038) | https://***.nl/registreren/ Leden: Leden (ID#5039) | https://***.nl/members/ Afmelden: Afmelden (ID#5040) | https://***.nl/logout/ Account: Account (ID#5041) | https://***.nl/account/ Wachtwoord herstellen: Wachtwoord herstellen (ID#5042) | https://***.nl/password-reset/ um-permalink_base: Gebruikersnaam um-display_name: Voornaam en familienaam um-author_redirect: Ja um-members_page: Nee um-toggle_password: Nee um-require_strongpass: Nee um-password_min_chars: 8 um-password_max_chars: 30 um-profile_noindex: Ja um-activation_link_expiry_time: undefined um-use_gravatars: Nee um-delete_comments: Nee um-account_tab_password: Ja um-account_tab_privacy: Nee um-account_tab_delete: Nee um-delete_account_text: Weet je zeker dat je je account wil verwijderen? Hiermee worden al je accountgegevens van de site gewist. Om je account te verwijderen, voer je hieronder je wachtwoord in. um-delete_account_no_pass_required_text: Weet je zeker dat je je account wil verwijderen? Dit verwijdert al je accountgegevens van de site. Om je account te verwijderen moet je je wachtwoord hieronder invullen. um-account_name: Nee um-account_email: Nee um-account_general_password: Nee um-account_hide_in_directory: Ja um-account_hide_in_directory_default: No um-profile_photo_max_size: 999999999 um-cover_photo_max_size: 999999999 um-photo_thumb_sizes: 40, 80, 190 um-cover_thumb_sizes: 300, 600 um-image_orientation_by_exif: Nee um-image_compression: 60 um-image_max_width: 1000 um-cover_min_width: 1000 um-accessible: Inhoud toegankelijk voor iedereen um-restricted_post_title_replace: Ja um-restricted_access_post_title: Beperkte inhoud um-restricted_access_message: undefined um-restricted_blocks: Nee um-restricted_access_post_metabox: undefined um-restricted_access_taxonomy_metabox: undefined um-enable_reset_password_limit: Nee um-change_password_request_limit: true um-blocked_emails: undefined um-blocked_words: admin, administrator, webmaster, support, staff, beheerder um-allowed_choice_callbacks: undefined um-allow_url_redirect_confirm: Ja um-admin_email: *** um-mail_from: *** um-mail_from_addr: *** um-email_html: Ja um-pending_email: Bedankt voor uw aanmelding op {site_name} um-theme_pending_email: Nee um-approved_email: Uw account op {site_name} is nu actief. um-theme_approved_email: Nee um-resetpw_email: Stel je wachtwoord opnieuw in um-theme_resetpw_email: Nee um-changedpw_email: Uw wachtwoord voor {site_name} is gewijzigd um-theme_changedpw_email: Nee um-notification_review: Nieuwe registratie op {site_name} um-theme_notification_review: Nee um-profile_template: Standaard Template (bestandsnaam: profile.php) um-profile_max_width: 1000px um-profile_area_max_width: 600px um-profile_icons: Uitschakelen um-profile_primary_btn_word: Profiel updaten um-profile_secondary_btn: Nee um-default_avatar: undefined um-default_cover: undefined um-disable_profile_photo_upload: Nee um-profile_photosize: 80x80px um-profile_cover_enabled: Nee um-profile_show_metaicon: Nee um-profile_show_name: Ja um-profile_show_social_links: Nee um-profile_show_bio: Nee um-profile_show_html_bio: Nee um-profile_bio_maxchars: 180 um-profile_header_menu: Links van pictogram (rechts voor RTL) um-profile_empty_text: Nee um-profile_menu: Nee um-register_template: Standaard Template (bestandsnaam: register.php) um-register_max_width: 450px um-register_align: Links uitgelijnd um-register_icons: Toon met label um-register_primary_btn_word: Registreren um-register_secondary_btn: Ja um-register_secondary_btn_word: Inloggen um-register_secondary_btn_url: undefined um-register_role: Default um-login_template: Standaard Template (bestandsnaam: login.php) um-login_max_width: 450px um-login_align: Links uitgelijnd um-login_icons: Toon met label um-login_primary_btn_word: Inloggen um-login_secondary_btn: Ja um-login_secondary_btn_word: Registreren um-login_secondary_btn_url: undefined um-login_forgot_pass_link: Ja um-login_show_rememberme: Ja um-form_asterisk: Ja um-profile_title: {display_name} | {site_name} um-profile_desc: {display_name} is on {site_name}. Join {site_name} to view {display_name}'s profile um-um_profile_object_cache_stop: Nee um-enable_blocks: Nee um-rest_api_version: 2.0 um-disable_restriction_pre_queries: Nee um-member_directory_own_table: Nee um-uninstall_on_delete: Nee um-banned_capabilities: undefined um-lock_register_forms: Nee um-display_login_form_notice: Nee um-secure_ban_admins_accounts: Nee um-secure_allowed_redirect_hosts: 0: um-licenses: ultimate-member-user-roles um-roles: Administrator(0), Editor(0), Author(0), Contributor(0), Subscriber(0) um-register_role: subscriber ultimate-member-administrator um-can_access_wpadmin: Ja um-can_not_see_adminbar: Nee um-can_edit_everyone: Ja um-can_edit_roles: Alles um-can_delete_everyone: Ja um-can_delete_roles: Alles um-can_edit_profile: Ja um-can_delete_profile: Ja um-can_view_all: Ja um-can_view_roles: Alles um-can_make_private_profile: Ja um-can_access_private_profile: Ja um-profile_noindex: Default um-default_homepage: Ja um-status: Automatisch goedkeuren um-auto_approve_act: Omleiden naar profiel um-after_login: Omleiden naar WordPress beheer um-after_logout: Ga naar de Homepage um-after_delete: Ga naar de Homepage ultimate-member-editor um-can_access_wpadmin: Ja um-can_not_see_adminbar: Nee um-can_edit_everyone: Ja um-can_edit_roles: Alles um-can_delete_everyone: Ja um-can_delete_roles: Alles um-can_edit_profile: Ja um-can_delete_profile: Ja um-can_view_all: Ja um-can_view_roles: Alles um-can_make_private_profile: Nee um-can_access_private_profile: Nee um-profile_noindex: Default um-default_homepage: Ja um-status: Automatisch goedkeuren um-auto_approve_act: Omleiden naar profiel um-after_login: Omleiden naar profiel um-after_logout: Ga naar de Homepage um-after_delete: Ga naar de Homepage ultimate-member-author um-can_access_wpadmin: Nee um-can_not_see_adminbar: Ja um-can_edit_everyone: Nee um-can_delete_everyone: Nee um-can_edit_profile: Ja um-can_delete_profile: Ja um-can_view_all: Ja um-can_view_roles: Alles um-can_make_private_profile: Nee um-can_access_private_profile: Nee um-profile_noindex: Default um-default_homepage: Ja um-status: Automatisch goedkeuren um-auto_approve_act: Omleiden naar profiel um-after_login: Omleiden naar profiel um-after_logout: Ga naar de Homepage um-after_delete: Ga naar de Homepage ultimate-member-contributor um-can_access_wpadmin: Nee um-can_not_see_adminbar: Ja um-can_edit_everyone: Nee um-can_delete_everyone: Nee um-can_edit_profile: Ja um-can_delete_profile: Ja um-can_view_all: Ja um-can_view_roles: Alles um-can_make_private_profile: Nee um-can_access_private_profile: Nee um-profile_noindex: Default um-default_homepage: Ja um-status: Automatisch goedkeuren um-auto_approve_act: Omleiden naar profiel um-after_login: Omleiden naar profiel um-after_logout: Ga naar de Homepage um-after_delete: Ga naar de Homepage ultimate-member-subscriber um-can_access_wpadmin: Nee um-can_not_see_adminbar: Ja um-can_edit_everyone: Nee um-can_delete_everyone: Nee um-can_edit_profile: Nee um-can_delete_profile: Nee um-can_view_all: Nee um-can_make_private_profile: Nee um-can_access_private_profile: Nee um-profile_noindex: Ja um-default_homepage: Ja um-status: Goedkeuren via beoordeling beheerder um-pending_action: Aangepast bericht weergeven um-pending_message: Bedankt voor het aanvragen van een lidmaatschap voor onze site. We zullen je gegevens beoordelen en je een e-mail sturen om je te laten weten of je aanvraag al dan niet werd goedgekeurd. um-after_login: Omleiden naar profiel um-after_logout: Ga naar de Homepage um-after_delete: Ga naar de Homepage ultimate-member-forms um-forms: ID#5033: Default Login ID#5032: Default Registration ultimate-member-5033 um-form-shortcode: [ultimatemember form_id="5033"] um-mode: login um-login_template: Default um-login_primary_btn_word: Inloggen um-login_forgot_pass_link: Nee um-login_show_rememberme: Nee um-login_after_login: Default um-field_username: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: text metakey: username position: 1 title: E-mailadres min_chars: 0 visibility: all label: E-mailadres public: 1 validate: unique_username_or_email max_chars: 0 required: 1 editable: um-field_user_password: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: password metakey: user_password position: 2 title: Wachtwoord min_chars: 8 max_chars: 30 visibility: all label: Wachtwoord public: 1 force_good_pass: 1 force_confirm_pass: 1 required: 1 editable: 1 um-field__um_row_1: type: row id: _um_row_1 sub_rows: 1 cols: 1 origin: _um_row_1 ultimate-member-5032 um-form-shortcode: [ultimatemember form_id="5032"] um-mode: register um-register_role: Default um-register_template: Default um-register_primary_btn_word: Registreren um-register_use_gdpr: Nee um-field_user_email: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: text metakey: user_email position: 1 title: Werk e-mailadres min_chars: 0 visibility: all label: Bevestig werk e-mailadres public: 1 validate: unique_email max_chars: 0 required: 1 editable: 1 um-field_user_password: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: password metakey: user_password position: 3 title: Wachtwoord min_chars: 8 max_chars: 30 visibility: all label: Wachtwoord public: 1 force_good_pass: 1 force_confirm_pass: 1 required: 1 editable: 1 um-field_first_name: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: text metakey: first_name position: 10 title: Voornaam min_chars: 0 visibility: all label: Voornaam public: 1 max_chars: 0 required: 1 editable: 1 um-field_last_name: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: text metakey: last_name position: 11 title: Achternaam min_chars: 0 visibility: all label: Achternaam public: 1 max_chars: 0 required: 1 editable: 1 um-field_type-lid: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: select metakey: type-lid position: 4 title: Het lidmaatschap dat ik wil aanvragen options: a:3:{i:0;s:11:"Individueel";i:1;s:11:"Industrieel";i:2;s:14:"Institutioneel";} visibility: all label: Het lidmaatschap dat ik wil aanvragen public: 1 required: 1 editable: 1 um-field_adres: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: text metakey: adres position: 14 title: Adres visibility: all label: Adres public: 1 editable: 1 um-field_birth_date: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: date metakey: birth_date position: 12 title: Geboortedatum range: years years: 115 years_x: past visibility: all label: Geboortedatum public: 1 format: j M Y pretty_format: 1 required: 1 editable: 1 icon: um-faicon-calendar um-field_postcode: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: text title: Postcode metakey: postcode visibility: all label: Postcode public: 1 position: 15 um-field_woonplaats: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: text title: Woonplaats metakey: woonplaats visibility: all label: Woonplaats public: 1 position: 16 um-field_um_divider_5032_12: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: divider title: divider width: 2 visibility: all style: solid color: #eeeeee public: 1 metakey: um_divider_5032_12 position: 5 um-field_Naam-kliniek-industrie: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: text title: Naam kliniek / industrie metakey: Naam-kliniek-industrie visibility: all label: Naam kliniek / industrie public: 1 position: 17 um-field_telefoonmobiel: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: text title: Telefoon (mobiel) metakey: telefoonmobiel visibility: all label: Telefoon (mobiel) public: 1 validate: phone_number editable: 1 position: 18 um-field_opmerkingen: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: textarea title: Opmerkingen metakey: opmerkingen height: 100px visibility: all label: Opmerkingen public: 1 position: 19 um-field_toestemming-verlenen: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: checkbox metakey: toestemming-verlenen position: 20 title: Ik geef toestemming om mijn gegevens beschikbaar te stellen aan andere leden options: a:1:{i:0;s:76:"Ik geef toestemming om mijn gegevens beschikbaar te stellen aan andere leden";} visibility: all public: 1 um-field_user_login_17: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: text metakey: user_login_17 position: 2 title: Privé e-mailadres min_chars: 6 visibility: all label: Privé e-mailadres public: 1 max_chars: 60 editable: um-field_first_name_18: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: text metakey: first_name_18 position: 9 title: Voorletters visibility: all label: Voorletters public: 1 editable: 1 um-field_first_name_18_19: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: text metakey: first_name_18_19 position: 13 title: BIG nummer (indien van toepassing) visibility: all label: BIG nummer (indien van toepassing) public: 1 um-field_titel: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: select metakey: titel position: 7 title: Titel options: a:5:{i:0;s:4:"Geen";i:1;s:4:"Drs.";i:2;s:3:"Dr.";i:3;s:9:"Prof. dr.";i:4;s:6:"Anders";} visibility: all label: Titel public: 1 editable: 1 um-field_geslacht: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: select metakey: geslacht position: 6 title: Aanhef options: a:2:{i:0;s:4:"Heer";i:1;s:7:"Mevrouw";} visibility: all label: Aanhef public: 1 editable: 1 um-field_titel-aanvulling: in_row: _um_row_1 in_sub_row: 0 in_column: 1 in_group: type: text title: Titel aanvulling metakey: titel-aanvulling visibility: all label: Titel aanvulling public: 1 editable: 1 conditional_action: show conditional_field: titel conditional_operator: equals to conditional_value: Anders position: 8 conditions: a:1:{i:0;a:4:{i:0;s:4:"show";i:1;s:5:"titel";i:2;s:9:"equals to";i:3;s:6:"Anders";}} um-field__um_row_1: type: row id: _um_row_1 sub_rows: 1 cols: 1 origin: _um_row_1 ultimate-member-directories um-directory: ID#5035: Members ultimate-member-directory-5035 um-directory-shortcode: [ultimatemember_directory id="5035"] um-directory_template: members um-directory-view_type: undefined um-directory-roles: Alles um-directory-has_profile_photo: Nee um-directory-has_cover_photo: Nee um-directory-show_these_users: undefined um-directory-exclude_these_users: undefined um-directory-sortby: Nieuwe gebruikers eerst um-directory-profile_photo: Nee um-directory-cover_photos: Nee um-directory-show_name: Ja um-directory-show_tagline: Nee um-directory-show_userinfo: Nee um-directory-show_social: Nee um-directory-search: Nee um-directory-filters: Nee um-directory-filters_expanded: Nee um-directory-must_search: Nee um-directory-max_users: 0 um-directory-profiles_per_page: 12 um-directory-profiles_per_page_mobile: 6 um-directory-directory_header: {total_users} Leden um-directory-directory_header_single: {total_users} Lid um-directory-directory_no_users: Sorry, we kunnen geen profielen vinden die aan je zoekcriteria voldoen.
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