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  • Thread Starter Brian Brown, Ph.D.


    I emailed Estefan about this and his other plugins (and paid plugins) 2 months ago and sent him the corrected files, but received no response (even from his support website).
    Here is how to fix:
    Open up \etruel-del-post-copies\includes\run-campaign.php
    and change”
    if ( '_' == $valuet{0}) continue;
    if ( '_' == $valuet(0)) continue;
    Just like the error message says (change the curly brackets {} to parentheses () on whatever line is shown in your message (or just search for it).
    You might want to remove the blank lines and change all the mixture of *nix and Windoze end-of-line to one or the other throughout the file.

    Plugin Author etruel


    Hi @brianbrown,
    Thankyou very much for your feedback.

    But about the contact, we answered you all times and we’ve also implemented many of the changes you recommended.

    When I’ve marked this resolved your previous advises were implemented. BTW we are working to improve this plugin with a new developer.

    Thanks again for your contributions.

    Thread Starter Brian Brown, Ph.D.


    Hi Esteban!
    Well I did email you (at both your personal email and @ and sent you corrected files for all your plugins (including the paid ones) Some 3 months ago, but received no response. And I never received a response from this posting, so…
    But my offer still stands for fixing some of the incorrect English in any of your plugins, for free (this was made years ago when you sent me a beta copy of your caching plugin).
    Thanks for all of your work, Esteban!
    @brianbrown (same username on your website)

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