• Hello everyone,

    our provider is switching to php 7. We have run the WP Engine PHP Compatibility Checker and it says that Events Manager is possibly not PHP 7.0 compatible.

    Are there any known issues or can we switch to php 7?


Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Seeing “[] operator not supported for strings” errors (em-events.php, line 63) when using PHP 7.1.

    From the PHP.net 7.1 Backward incompatible changes page, Applying the empty index operator to a string (e.g. $str[] = $x) throws a fatal error instead of converting silently to array.

    If they are going to PHP 7.1, vs. 7.0, this plugin will fail.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Chris Daley. Reason: Added Backward Incompatible Change info

    @boconpro Are you seeing any specific error messages?

    Yes, seeing “[] operator not supported for strings” errors in classes/em-events.php, line 63.

    If you change line 36 in classes/em-events.php to $groupby_sql = array(); the issue goes away and the rest of the code appears to be working correctly.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Chris Daley.

    Thanks. There are a couple of issues logged relating to PHP 7; I’ve add this thread to them.

    My host just upgraded to PHP 7.0, and the Comment options have disappeared for all comments made to Event Manager events. These options appear for comments made to posts, but not to events:

    Unapprove | Reply | Quick Edit | Edit | Spam | Trash

    I take that back. PHP 7 is not the issue at all.

    I migrated my site from multi-site to single-site, and this has really messed up Events Manager.

    I’ll submit a separate ticket.

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