But if you want a Multilingual WordPress Installation with the same content and the same image, maybe having three WordPress Installations, one for each language is not the best solution.
I will choose to have a plugin that can turn your main WordPress Installation into a Multilingual site that can handle the three language on the same site.
Try to choose a free Multilingual plugin like Polylang, Bogo or Sublanguage, qTranslate-X, WPGlobus…
You can learn more for Multilingual on this article:
I tried a table plugin too, but it don’t adapt the image size to the screen, so isn’t convenient too.
The Multilingual WP plugins translated text by themselves, and I don’t want use an automatic translation. This is isn’t convenient for me:
” Automatic translation is not good enough and pages on the site might be badly translated.
There’s a strong coupling between content and translation, and changes in the original content might break the translation.”
Perhaps my English isn’t perfect, but I try to improve it, and an automatic translation is really terrible. I saw such sites in my native language, I understood all the words, all the sentences were grammatically correct, but I didn’t understand anything! It was a delirium!
Thank you of try to help, but I have to search other decisions.
]]>Regarding the multilingual plugins I mentioned, any of them have automatic translation, you have to provide them the translation by yourself. (like Polylang, Bogo or Sublanguage, qTranslate-X, WPGlobus…)
They just make easy to manage the three language on the same WordPress installation, even on the same page and using the same images. See the images on this link: https://imgur.com/a/Gv2wGvj